

"Forthcoming" means "about to appear or happen"; "happening or coming soon".

关于问题中的这种用法,我查阅了之前的翻译资料,发现基本都是在香港上市公司财报中会这么用,以下是一些翻译实例,从这些实例中,“forthcoming annual general meeting” 有以下几种译法:

1 应届股东周年大会


None of the Directors being proposed for re-election at theforthcoming annual general meeting has a service contract with the Company or any of its subsidiaries which is not determinable by the Group within one year without payment of compensation, other than statutory compensation.

拟在应届股东周年大会上重选连任之董事并无与本公司或其任何附属公司订立本集团不可以在一年 内终止而不作出赔偿之服务合约,法定之赔偿除外。


Subject to the passing of the relevant resolution at the forthcoming annual general meeting, such dividend will be payable to shareholders on or around 10 June 2021.



In order to qualify for the proposed final dividend and attending theforthcoming annual general meeting, all transfer of shares, accompanied by the [...] relevant share certificates and transfer forms, must be lodged with the Company’s branch share registrar in Hong Kong, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, Shops 1712–1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong, for registration not later than 4:30 p.m. on 16th May, 2011.

为符合获派建议末期股息及出席应届股东周大会之资格,股东须于20115月16日下午4 时30分前,将所有股份过户文件同有关股票和过户表格送达本 公司之股份过户登记处香港分处香港中央证券登记有限公司,地址为香港湾仔皇后大道东183号合 和中心17楼1712–1716室。

2 即将举行的股东周年大会


Subject to the approval of the shareholders at the forthcoming annual general meeting, the final and special dividend will be payable [...] in cash on 6 July 2012 and 12 October 2012 respectively.

待股东于即将举行的股东周年大会上批准后,末期及特别股息将分别于二零一二年七月六日及二零一二年十月十二日以现 金派付。

据上述内容, forthcoming 在The forthcoming annual general meeting 这一语境中,可以直接处理为“应届”,或者“即将举行的”。


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