

这是 一直夫妇 的第 600 篇文章

本文 1647 字,预计阅读 5min

明天考研的同学们就要上战场了,其中,考研英语中的翻译题是很多同学的痛点。今天我们以 2022 年的翻译为例,带大家快速过一遍注意事项,提升翻译的速度和准确率。

I first discovered the Napoleonic cryptographic battle a few years ago when I was reading Sir Charles Oman’s epic History of the Peninsular War. In volume V he had attached an appendix, The Scovell Ciphers. (47) It listed many documents in code that had been captured from the French army of Spain, and whose secrets had been revealed by the work of one George Scovell, an officer in British headquarters. Oman rated Scovell’s significance highly, but at the same time, the general nature of his History meant that (48) he could not analyze carefully what this obscure officer may or may not have contributed to that great struggle between nations or indeed tell us anything much about the man himself. I was keen to read more, but was surprised to find that Oman’s appendix, published in 1914, was the only considered thing that had been written about this secret war.


It listed many documents in code that had been captured from the French army of Spain, and whose secrets had been revealed by the work of one George Scovell, an officer in British headquarters.

拆主干:It listed many documents in code that had been captured from the French army of Spain, and whose secrets had been revealed by the work of one George Scovell, an officer in British headquarters.


考研翻译的句子比较长,我们需要在最短时间内拆出句子主干,从而找到重点信息,把握大意。拿句 47 为例,这句话的主干只有六个单词,而且每个单词都是初高中词汇。只需搞定这六个单词,我们就能拿到 0.5 分。

唯一有点小难度的是 in code。这个短语是要翻译成「在密码中」吗?非也。其实更精简的主干只有前四个单词,in code 的作用是介词短语作后置定语,用来修饰 many documents,意思是「用密码写成的」。你也可以直接把 many documents in code 译为「加密文件」。

这 0.5 分是不是很轻松呢?

拆主干:It listed many documents in codethathad been captured from the French army of Spain(定从一号), andwhosesecrets had been revealed by the work of one George Scovell(定从二号), an officer in British headquarters.

剩下的部分是两个从句,一个由 that 引导,另一个由 whose 引导,它们都是定语从句,而且这两个定语从句都是用来修饰主干的宾语 many documents in code。

我们先来看第一个从句,that had been captured from the French army of Spain。capture 这个动词我们在《》 那篇精读文章中有讲过,原本指「捕获」动物,后来引申为「夺得,赢得」。不过我们通常不会说「赢得某某文件」对吧?看过谍战剧或者小说的同学想必不陌生,「截获文件,截获电报」是汉语更习惯用的搭配。

the French army of Spain 看上去简单,但却需要费点脑细胞。of 常用来表示所属关系,可在这里翻译成「西班牙的法国军队」却不够明确。要了解此处的 of,我们需要借助第一段。第一段提到了 1807-1814 年的战争。跟谁有关呢?虽然作者没有直接指出,但文章提到了 Spain and Portugal 西班牙和葡萄牙这两个国家,还指出了战争可能涉及的双方,即 Napoleon's French army and the angry inhabitants。这里的 inhabitants 指的是西班牙和葡萄牙人民。

如果同学们熟悉世界史,可能更快做出判断。19 世纪初,英国和法国在大斗法,拿破仑带领的法国军队入侵了伊比利亚半岛,但这场战争却让法国陷入了泥潭,并且最终落败。

为了让大家清楚知道 of 的含义,所以我们刚才对文章进行了比较严谨的分析,但在考场上,大家可能没法做到这么细致。其实,同学们翻译成「驻扎在西班牙的法国军队」或者只写「在西班牙的法国军队」也都是可以的。

再来看第二个 whose 引导的定从。whose secrets 相当于 the secrets of those documents in code,指的是「密码文件所暗含的秘密」。 所以这个从句的意思是:这些文件的秘密被一位叫做 George Scovell 的人在书中揭露了出来。不过,这并不能作为最终译文,原因在我们稍后要讲的第三条。

whose secrets had been revealed by the work of one George Scovell

= the secrets of those documents in code had been revealed by the work of one George Scovell


Itlisted many documents in codethathad been captured from the French army of Spain, andwhosesecrets had been revealed by the work of one George Scovell, an officer in British headquarters.

需要结合上下文的第二个原因在于,很多句子包含 it, he, their 等代词。如果不结合上下文,我们无法正确翻译句子。拿 2022 年英一真题为例,五个句子都包含代词,而且有些句子不止一个代词。

代词属于实词,对于句意有着重要作用。我们需要明确代词的指代对象,才能把句意梳理清楚。比如,句 47 的 it 指代的是上句出现的 History of the Peninsular War 这本书。

「可是,如果我不确定 it 指的是这本书怎么办?」


但有两点要提醒大家。第一,it 还可能是形式主语,这时候就不能无脑翻译为「它」了,我们需要结合上下文来确定。

第二,有些代词不能直译,比如,连接代词、关系代词。如果我们直译这句话中的 that 和 whose,那就犯了错误。因为 that 和 whose 指代的是 many documents in code。


There may have been many spies and intelligence officers during the Napoleonic Wars, but it is usually extremely difficult to find the material they actually provided or worked on.

22 年的翻译出现了两种典型人名。

第一种是 Napoleon 这样在历史中留下浓墨重彩一笔的人物,针对这类知名人物,我们务必要译为该人物的通用译名。比如,Napoleon 要译为「拿破仑」,Shakespeare 是「莎士比亚」。

2016 年的翻译跟莎士比亚有关,但题目不涉及莎士比亚。22 年的真题却直接考察了大家对 Napoleon 的掌握。如果你知道他是「拿破仑」,那么句 49 的 the Napoleonic Wars 「拿破仑战争」你应该很容易就能猜出来,从而拿到另一个 0.5 分。


It listed many documents in code that had been captured from the French army of Spain, and whose secrets had been revealed by the work of one George Scovell, an officer in British headquarters.

第二种是名不见经传的人物或普通人。比如,句 47 的 George Scovell。大家在翻译时不要因为自己不知道这个人名如何翻译就直接写英文,这是一定会被扣分的,人名一定要翻译成对应的中文译名,即便不知道,也要根据读音「猜」一个中文名。

George 是大家很熟悉的「乔治」,根据音素的发音规则,我们猜测 Scovell 的读音为 /skʌvəl/,通常译为「斯科维尔」。如果写成「斯卡维尔」「司卡威尔」,老师也不会扣分。合在一起时,大家别忘了中间的 · 哦,这是英文姓名的必备成分。

前面的 one 是什么意思?「one + 人名」常译为「一位名叫……的人」。这里的 one 暗含此人并非知名人物之意,因为知名人物是独一无二的。


It listed many documents in code that had been captured from the French army of Spain, and whose secrets had been revealed by the work of one George Scovell, an officer in British headquarters.

分析完这些后,我们发现还有个小尾巴,这个小尾巴是什么呢?很好,同位语。英语中的同位语位于所修辞内容之后,但翻译成中文时,我们却需要根据情况调整语序。比如,本句的 an officer in British headquarter,如果直接按照原语序翻译,就不合适了。另外,headquarters 既可以表示「总部」,也可以表示「司令部」。因为整篇文章跟战争有关,所以这里应译为「司令部」。

  • 这些文件的秘密被一位名叫乔治 · 斯科维尔揭露了出来,一位英国司令部军官,

那同位语放在中文哪里才合适呢?这个问题没有统一答案。有些同位语在译成中文时放到所修饰词前面会更符合汉语习惯。比如,Thoreau, a renowned writer, 我们在翻译时把 a renowned writer 放在 Thoreau 前更合适。

  • Thoreau, a renowned writer, built a cabin near Walden Pond.

  • 著名作家梭罗在瓦尔登湖附近建了一座小屋。

有时,同位语则需要放到所修饰内容的后面,或者独立成句。以 22 年这个句子为例,我们把 an officer in British headquarters 放到人名之后,动词之前,这样的译文要更为通畅。

  • 这些文件的秘密被一位名叫乔治 · 斯科维尔的英国司令部军官揭露了出来。


It listed many documents in code that had been captured from the French army of Spain, and whose secrets had been revealed by the work of one George Scovell, an officer in British headquarters.

整句译文:这本书/它列出了许多加密文件,均截获自入侵西班牙的法国军队。这些文件的秘密被一位名叫乔治 · 斯科维尔的英国司令部军官揭露了出来。




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