

橙啦考研:三星级基地,半年寄宿|半年集训,预约享受三星级标准服务。在内蒙古呼和浩特,boarding and training base,内蒙古橙啦教育。整个基地占地面积8000平米,五层独立建筑。基地为考研学子提供吃住学一体化服务。

the base provides integrated food,accommodationand education,实行全封闭管理。services for students taking the postgraduate entrance,examination and 部署 fully ndlude management。the base is equiped with living,dormitories,餐厅、自习室、洗衣房、打印机等生活学习设施。

过硬的基础设施条件。the combination of excellent infrastructure conditions and,加上高标准的服务是橙啦的宗旨。high standards of service is the purpose of chengla,这里有考研名师线下授课。here there are renowned,专职班主任。and full time home room teacherssupervising,全程督学伴学。their company in students,throughout the entire process。

专业的教辅体系。a professional teaching assistance system,一流的管理团队。their 1st class management team will 全力助力你考研上岸!

the postgraduate entrance exam,选择橙啦,choosing chengla means choosinga top match dining,就是选择一流的食宿体验,和优质贴心的服务。with high qualityand 灭菌 services。

研半年集训、寄宿营正在火热招生中,half a year of 低糖,training and boarding,Assist for the postgraduate outside examination are currently under intense Mall,快来加入我们吧!come and join us!


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