临床医学研究期刊(临床医学研究期刊是核心吗) _西南大学考研

临床医学研究期刊(临床医学研究期刊是核心吗) _西南大学考研



1、Journal of Higher Education Research 《高等教育研究》


The Journal of Higher Education Research is an international and open accessed journal that publishes study results of educational development, policy or emerging issues throughout postsecondary education institutions. The scope of topics addressed is broad, encompassing institutional system and reform, comparative analysis of international higher education, faculty education and development, curriculum design and teaching innovation, higher education and talents cultivation, vocational education and other particular problems or issues. The journal encourages submissions from international scholars, researchers, teachers or institutional leaders and aims to provide a platform for exchanging of research results, innovative and authoritative perspective and insights on higher education development.


《高等教育研究》是一本国际性的开放获取期刊,主要刊载高等教育发展、教育政策、新兴课题研究学术成果。 涉及的主题包括高等教育体制与结构,高等教育国际比较分析,教师教育与发展,课程设计与教学改革,高校教育与人才培养,职业教育等其他相关课题研究。 本刊欢迎国际学者、教研人员、教师及教育机构负责人投稿,旨在为促进高等教育发展提供一个学术研究成果,创新且权威观点交流平台。

2、Arts Studies and Criticism《艺术研究与评论》


The Arts Studies and Criticism is an international and open accessed journal encompassing multidisciplinary researches and works appreciation which includes but not limited to music, film, stagecraft, visual and designing arts, drama, dancing, painting and calligraphy. The journal welcomes contributions that present new and emergent perspective about the arts research and engage in a critical discourse relevant to an international readership that can inform the development of new aesthetics and refine and inherit the cultural essence. There is no restriction on research methods and research, comments, and review papers are to be welcomed.


《艺术研究与批评》是一本国际性的开放期刊,涵盖了多学科研究和作品评鉴,包括但不限于音乐,电影,舞台艺术,视觉和设计艺术,戏剧,舞蹈,绘画和书法。本刊欢迎发表有关艺术研究的新视角的文章,并参与国际读者相关的评论,其论述将为新美学的发展提供信息,并提炼和传承文化艺术精髓。 研究方法不受限制,欢迎进行研究,发表评论和发表论文。

3、Modern Economics & Management Forum 《现代经济管理论坛》


Modern Economics & Management Forum publishes research and studies by academics, policy-makers and business professionals. The journal aims to provide an active and high effective forum for debate over solutions and analysis for economics and management to tackle critical problems and to present new perspective and insights for development. It covers a broad range of topics including but not limits to trade economic, industrial economics, economics and law, city economics, green economics, public and social management, human resource management, enterprise management. MEMF also welcomes application-oriented topics and discussion papers to provide space to opinions and innovative ideas. The journal publishes the following article types: original research paper, review article, application and discussion notes, sustainability news, book reviews.


《现代经济管理论坛》刊载来自学者、管理决策者及商业专家的调查研究成果。本刊旨在成为活跃高效交流讨论平台,为经济管理问题提供分析和解决方案,以新视角和智慧促进经济管理的发展。期刊涵盖广泛的课题,包括但不限于:贸易经济、产业经济、经济与法、城市经济、绿色经济、公共社会管理、人力资源管理、企业管理等。本刊也欢迎具备创新理念的应用类课题及观点评论性文章投稿。 收录的文章类型包含:原创研究、综述、简报,书评。

4、Architecture Engineering and Science 《建筑工程与科学》


Architecture Engineering and Science is an international journal for publication of new ideas, the state of the art research results and fundamental advances in all aspects of architecture engineering. Its goal is to present the broadest possible consideration of all aspects of architecture science, including construction finance and economics, architecture engineering research and design, building materials, BIM, application of computer software in construction, concrete mix design, construction equipment, construction project management, contract and construction law, cost control, environmental impact assessment, environmental protection, quality assurance and quality control, safety engineering, professional construction, sustainable construction.



5、Journal of Clinical Medicine Research 《临床医学研究》


Journal of Clinical Medicine Research is an international and open-accessed journal that focuses on global research and development of clinical medicine. It mainly reports the latest development of modern clinical medicine and research direction, publishes high quality original papers, reports and review articles related to clinical medicine. The topics involve: clinical medicine, experimental study and clinical pharmacology and clinical application, symptoms and treatment, medical treatment, ultrasonic diagnosis, clinical radiology and pathology diagnosis, emergency rescue, epidemiology, and other content related to clinical medicine.



6、Advanced Journal of Nursing 《高等护理》


Advanced Journal of Nursing is an international and open-accessed journal for publication of original research and scholarly papers about all areas of nursing and health care. The topics including clinical nursing; evidence-based nursing; transcultural nursing, family participatory care; health education, national health system, nursing, nursing education, nursing regulation; evidence-based regulation; specialized nursing; operating room care; basic nursing; nursing management; mental nursing; psychological nursing; district nursing; health care policies. rehabilitation nursing; community nursing; health management.



二. 征稿要求



摘要Abstract (150-200英文单词)



参考文献 References要符合以下要求。

①必须在文中标出[1] [2] [3]…,并在文章最后列出引用文献出处。



(2)文章须有二级标题(副标题), 如1.1。并且1/1.1/1.1.1 等不同层级标题后面须有文字内容。

(3)如果文章含有图或表格,图下方必须有标题Figure 1. Xxx ,表格上方必须有标题Table 1. xxx。(如果图放在word里会影响图片清晰度,可以单独发图片,保存在附件中)




① 作者姓名;② 作者单位信息;③ 邮编;④通讯作者邮箱地址。


临床医学研究期刊(临床医学研究期刊是核心吗) _西南大学考研

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