
中央音乐学院研究生院,中央音乐学院研究生院官网   此外,考研机构排行中的学习形式也已经有了多样性变化,不再是传统的辅导班形式,尤其是有很多集训营式的培训班,比如二战,三战,甚至是多站的考生,就需要一些集训营去学习。集训营的存在主要是以全日制,全封闭式和吃住学集一体的高三性质管理。这样的管理方式和学习氛围会更浓郁一些,对于考生来说,在集训营内学习有效提高整体积极性。而且显著优势是节约了大量的交通时间,吃饭,来回奔波的时间等。  考研的压力越来越大,因为选择考研究生的学生们越来越多。现在的同学们已经意识到了学历的重要性,很多同学在大学毕业之后选择更进一步,那么在选择考研培训机构的时候,尽量要找正规的专业的机构,高途考研,更专业的培训机构,对于考研实际情况比较了解,对于整个考研环境以及学校都比较熟悉,那么所出的课程也能够及时了解现在的考试重点。

艺术类 211工程 双一流 公办 普通本科

中央音乐学院(简称“央音”,Central Conservatory of Music),于1940年始建,位于首都北京,是由中华人民共和国教育部直属的一所培养高级专门音乐人才的高等学府,全国艺术院校中唯一一所国家重点大学, “211工程”建设院校,国家首批“双一流”世界一流学科建设高校。其前身为国立音乐院,1949年更为现名。 该校是国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目实施高校。1949年在天津由国立音乐院(含幼年班)、东北鲁迅文艺学校音工团、华北大学文艺学校音乐系、国立北平艺术专科学校音乐系,以及分设于上海、香港两地的中华音乐院等音乐教育机构合并组建而成,同年底正式定为现名,1950年初夏补行成立典礼。1952年全国高校院系调整中燕京大学音乐系并入。1958年自天津迁至北京现址。1960年被确定为全国重点高等学校,1999年被列入国家“211工程”重点建设学校。学校原隶属于文化部,2000年划转教育部管理。

Central Conservatory of Music

Art 211 project double first-class public general undergraduate

Central Conservatory of Music (CConservatory of Music), founded in 1940, is located in Beijing, the capital of China. It is an institution of higher learning directly under the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and the only national key university among art colleges and universities. "Project 211" and "Double First-Class" universities with world-class disciplines. It was formerly known as the National Conservatory of Music, and was renamed the current one in 1949. The university is one of the universities implementing the state-sponsored graduate program for constructing a high-level university. In tianjin in 1949 by the national music institute (including the juvenile class), lu xun's literary school sound engineering group, northeast university school of literature and art music, national beiping art college music department, and the Chinese music institute set up in Shanghai, Hong Kong and other music education institutions formed, with formal as now known as the end of the year, 1950 summer fill line set up ceremony. 1952 The Department of Music of Yenching University was merged into the National Higher Education Department during the adjustment of its departments. In 1958, he moved from Tianjin to the present address in Beijing. In 1960, it was identified as a national key university of higher learning, and in 1999, it was included in the national "Project 211" key construction university. The school was formerly under the administration of the Ministry of Culture and was transferred to the Ministry of Education in 2000.


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