


Harlan Coben believes that if you're a writer, you'll find the time; and that if you can't find the time, then writing isn't a priority and you're not a writer. For him writing is a normal job—a job like any other. He has compared it with plumbing, pointing out that a plumber doesn't wake up and say that he can't work with pipes today.

If, like most writers these days, you' re holding down a job to pay the bills,it’s not easy to find the time to write .But it’s not impossible.It requires determination and single-mindedness. Remember that most bestselling authors began writing when they were doing other things to earn a living .And today, even writers who are fairly well-known often have to do other work to supplement their writing income.

As Harlan Coben has suggested it's a question of priorities.To make writing a priority, you'll have to sacrifice some of your day-to-day-activities and some things you really enjoy .Depending on your interests and your life style, that might mean spending less time watching television or listening to music,though some people can write while they listen to music.You might have to cut down on the amount of exercise or sport you do.You'll have to make social media an occasional activity rather than a daily time-consuming habit.There 'll probably

have to be less socializing with your friends an less time with your family .It’s a tough learning curve,and it won't always make you popular.

There's just one thing you should try to keep at least some time for, in addition to your writing—and that's reading. And writer needs to read as much and as widely as they can; it's the one indispensable supporter—something you can’t do without.

Time is finite. The older you get, the quciker it seems to go. We need to use it as carefully and as productively as we can, that means prioritising out activities so that we spend most time on the things we really want to do. If you’re a writer, that means— above all—writing.

21. on specially designed farms

These eggs,which are making their debut now on shelves for as much as S8 a dozen,are still labeled organic and animal-friendly,but they're also from birds that live on farms using regenerative agriculture-special techniques to cultivate rich soils that can trap green house gases


2. Create a sustainable system

The birds' waste then fertilizes fields.Such improvements "allow our hens to forage for higher-quality natural feed that will be good for the land, the hens, and the eggs that we supply to our customers.

23. the potential of regenerative products

in barely more than a decade,organic eggs went from being dismissed as a niche product in natural foods stores to being sold at Walmart.

If the sustainable-egg roll out is successful, it could open the floodgates for regenerative beef broccoli and beyond.

24. are likely to buy climate - friendly eggs

Surveys show that younger generations are more concerned about climate change,and some of the success of plant-based meat can be chalked up to shoppers wanting to signal their desire to protect environment.

25 . market prospects

Regenerative products could be a hard sell

26. more Americans are willing to work in retirement

One in three Americans who are at least 40 have or plan to have a job in retirement to prepare for a longer life

27. retirement may cause problems for them

include personal fulfillment such as staying mentally fit, preventing boredom or avoiding depression.

选项C的“overlooked”已经选项D的“contribute to”错误。

28. longer life expectancy

One reason for the change in retirement patterns: Americans are living longer.

29. spending less

Among the most popular ways they are doing this, the company said, is by reducing their overall expenses, securing life insurance or maximizing their contributions to retirement accounts.

30. unprepared

many people who are opting to work in retirement are preparing to do so because they are worried about making ends meet in their later years

31.undermine users' decision-making

is a catch-all term for practices that manipulate user interfaces to influence the decision-making ability of users.

32.their strong presence

researchers found that about one in 10 employs these design practices. Though widely prevalent,the concept of dark patterns is still not well understood


33.talk with relevant teams

Businesses should engage in conversations with IT, compliance, risk, and legal teams to review their privacy policy

34.protect consumers from being tricked

the California Attorney General announced the approval of additional regulations under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) that ensure that consumers will not be confused or misled when seeking to exercise their data privacy rights

35.business self-discipline

but only if organizitions hold themselves accountable, not just to legal requirements, but also to industry best practices and standards.

36. hard to determine

Although ethics classes are common around the world, scientists are unsure if their lessons can actually change behavior;

37. It is a behavior easy to measure.

behavior is easily measurable

38. are not necessarily ethically better

he had previously found that ethics professors do not differ from other professors on a range of behaviors

39. unrepeatable

says she wants the effect to be real but cannot rule out some unknown confounding variable. And if real, she notes, it might be reversible by another nudge: “Easy come, easy go.”

40. is a result of multiple factors

Schwitzgebel suspects the greatest impact came from social influence ...

41.[A] Start Low, Go Slow

42. [G]Listen to Your Body

43. [D]Make It a Habit

44. [E]Go Through the Motions

45. [F]Don't Go It Alone


这虽然可能会让你感到沮丧和失望,但实际上这对你是有好处的。意想不到的结果有两个好处: 你很快会学会处理失望,并意识到一扇门关闭,会有另一扇窗打开。你也会很快学会适应并想出创造性的解决方案来解决绘画中出现的问题,并且跳出固有思维模式将会成为你的第二天性。事实上,创造性的解决问题的技巧在日常生活中是非常有用的,当问题出现时,你更有可能找到解决办法。




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