考研英语 词汇(考研英语词汇量要达到多少)

考研英语 词汇,考研英语词汇量要达到多少

主题1 人与自我


1.He tried to avoid(make) mistakes, but the added pressure caused him to make more than usual.

2.Resilient(有适应力的) people who think positively tend to treat every problem as a challenge, or as an opportunity for personal(grow).

3.He was (astonish) to know that all his personal information had been exposed to the public.

4.I can hardly imagine them(complete) the complex task within three days.

5.Anyone with an eye on the employment situation knew the assessment about economic (recover) being just around the corner was correct.


6.It is never easy to adjust big changes. Those who can do it fast tend to be successful in their life.

7.The manager of the shop said he would replace the television as long as it was still guarantee.

8.The doctors couldn’t tell whether the boy’s mother would recover the brain injury.

9.Drivers who cause traffic accidents or are suspected drink-driving will be tested.

10.Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approacheducating their children compared with that of their parents.



1.5G has faster data transmission, less delay and stronger mobility in contrast to the (convention) 4G.

2.In conclusion, positive thinking is a powerful and (effect)tool for dealing with hard times and improving the quality of one’s life.

3.Carbon emission(排放) will steadily decline after reaching a peak, and there will be a fundamental (improve) in the environment.

4.Dina, having struggled (find) a job for months, finally took a position at a local advertising agency.

5.It was his natural(curious) that led him to observe and study the lives of wild animals.


be absorbed in compare with figure out in possession of on purpose

6.After a whole week of bargaining, Mr.Johnson is, now,

the farm.

7.She stayed up until eleven thirty-one just to see the moonlight.

8.We accept your apologies and appreciate your goodwill, but we hope that you can a good way of settling the matter.

9.He reading and even forgot to take his meal.

10.This seemed a small challenge the one I had experienced.



1.His success lies in the fact that he is cooperative and eager (learn) from others.

2.Mankind has never been so (powerful) capable to overcome the difficulties we face and change the world we live in.

3.Large websites and online platforms should take more (responsible) for content security.

4.Having treated a lot of local villagers, the medical team left the village with great (satisfy).

5.In the past five years, a great deal of money has been spent(improve) the environment of the school.


adapt to make an apology be based on make up one’s mind to the point

6.You were very impolite to him, for which you should to him, I think.

7.The description which he had given was brief and .

8.The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to the change.

9.The design of everyday objects such as cups and tables both practical and aesthetic (美学的) value.

10.He felt that he could overcome all kinds of difficulties as long as he .



1.While Henry’s (disable)may put him at a disadvantage in a way, it’s within his(able)to take charge of the research team.

2.I really appreciate your offering (help) me with my maths, but I’m afraid that I have no time this week.

3.This year, the holiday will expand to four days, one day than that of last year. We are for the coming of it and we have made a journey plan at great. (long)

4.One of the(require) for being admitted to the university is that you should pass the English test organized by it.


work out lay off in a hurrylead tostick toon average

5.It is reported that young people in our city read five books a month .

6.The factory has to workers because of the drop in sales.

7.Lack of exercise may feelings of depression and exhaustion.

8.I have made some really good friends at the gym. Talking to people as you is a good way to get to know them.

9.Jane is because the train to the airport leaves in half an hour.

10.One of the hardest things in life is a healthy diet.


主题一 人与自我



2.growth句意:积极思考的有适应力的人往往把每一个问题都当作挑战,或者个人成长的机会。介词for后接名词,personal growth表示"个人成长"。


4.completing句意:我很难想象他们三天内就完成了这项复杂的工作。imagine sb.doing sth.表示"想象某人做某事",故填completing。

5.recovery句意:任何关注就业形势的人都知道,有关经济即将复苏的评估是正确的。介词about后接名词, economic recovery表示"经济复苏"。


6.to句意:适应大的改变从来不是件容易的事。那些能快速做到的人往往会在生活中取得成功。adjust to表示


7.under句意:商店经理说只要电视还在保修期内,他就会更换。under guarantee表示"在保修期内"。

8.from句意:医生们说不准这个男孩的母亲是否能从脑损伤中恢复过来。recover from表示"从……中恢复"。

9.of此处为固定搭配suspect sb. of sth."怀疑某人某事"的被动形式。

10.to句意:十分之九的父母表示,他们教育孩子的方式与自己的父母相比有显著差异。approach to表示"……的方







4.to find句意:Dina好几个月都在努力找工作,最后在当地的一家广告代理公司谋了个职位。struggle to do sth.表示 "努力做某事"。



6.in possession of 7.on purpose 8.figure out

9.was absorbed in

10.compared with句意:与我所经历的相比,这似乎是一个小小的挑战。compared with sth.表示"与……相比",为固定用法,此处在句中作状语。



1.to learn句意:他的成功在于他有协作精神,且渴望向别人学习。be eager to do sth.表示"渴望做某事"。


3.responsibility句意:大型网站和在线平台应承担更多的内容安全责任。空处作take的宾语,故应用名词形式,take responsibility for sth.表示"承担某事的责任"。

4.satisfaction句意:给当地许多村民治疗之后,这个医疗队非常满意地离开了村庄。此处应用名词作介词with的宾语。with satisfaction"满意地"。

5.improving句意:在过去的五年里,在改善学校环境上已经花了大量的钱。spend money (on) doing sth. 表示"在做某事上花钱",此处为其被动形式。


6.make an apology7.to the point 8.adapt to 9.is based on

10.made up his mind



1.disability; ability句意:虽然亨利的残疾在一定程度上可能使他处于不利地位,但是负责这支研究团队在他的能力范围内。第一空用名词disability作主语,表示"残疾";第二空用名词ability,表示"能力"。

2.to help句意:我真的很感谢你主动提出帮助我学数学,但恐怕这周我没有时间。offer to do sth.表示"主动提出做


3.longer; longing; length第一空,根据空后的than可知,应用比较级longer;第二空,long在此为动词,long for sth.表示

"渴望某事",根据空前的are可知填longing;第三空,at great length为固定搭配,表示"十分详尽地"。

4.requirements句意:被这所大学录取的条件之一是你要通过它组织的英语考试。根据空前的"One of the"可知,此处应用名词的复数形式。


5.on average 6.lay off 7.lead to

8.work out 9.in a hurry10.sticking to




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