











作为主办单位与中国摄影家协会教育委员会、陕西省教育厅等共同举办“保持记录西安国际摄影邀请展 ”“陕西省首届大学生摄影大展”“中意高校摄影邀请展”“中日韩高校摄影邀请展”“亚太地区高校摄影邀请展”等8次大型学术活动。

Xi'an University of Technology

Relying on the advantages of comprehensive colleges and universities of Xi'an University of Technology, thephotography major of this school adopts the teaching method of "integration of art and industry" and the innovative means of "Chinese cultural continuity" to cultivate high-level compound talents with strong sense of historical responsibility, humanistic spirit and a combination of virtue and ability, who have the basic and innovative ability of artistic photography, design practice and comprehensive image creation.

Since the enrollment in 2004, it has become the " Director Unit of Digital Media Committee of China Film Association ", "Director Unit of Photography Education Committee of Shaanxi University Photography Society ", and has won the honors of "Top 8 Photography Colleges in China" and "Top 10 National Photography Departments". It has undertaken 3 national level funding projects and dozens of provincial and ministerial level scientific and technological innovation projects of the Ministry of Culture. Teachers have won 2 first prizes and 3 second prizes for instructors issued by the Ministry of Education, as well as the Sony World Photography Silver Award and the German Red Dot Award. Under the guidence, students have won 10 awards at the provincial and ministerial level or above from the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education, 18 institutional awards from the Pingyao International Photography Festival as well as more than 60 first prizes from major exhibitions in this industry. Over 50 papers have been published in magazines such as "Literature & Art Studies", "Art Magazine", "Art & Design" and "Chinese Photography". 8 monographs and teaching materials have been written and compiled.

As the organizer, it has jointly held8 large-scale academic activities with the Education Committee of China Photographers Association and Education Department of Shaanxi Provincial Goverment, such as "Record Keeping – Invitation Exhibition of International Photography at Xi'an in 2017 ", "The First Shaanxi College Students Photography Exhibition", "China and Italy College Photography Invitational Exhibition", "China, Japan and Korea University Photography Invitational Exhibition".

张辉 Zhang Hui







《Log of Escape》

The scenes in the pictures are all life details that are closely related to me. These works of mine are mainly about the self feelings of personal life experience. In the pictures, people and objects are also used to reflect the restlessness in personal calm emotions. In the work, I do not want to provide a simple real image from the real world, but rather a daily fragment extracted from the life background, which is a kind of image presentation of the contradiction between reality and illusion. I hope to strengthen the normal things in my life with a vision and attitude that escape from reality, and I hope to replace the typical with a symbolic meaning, so that the fixed meaning of the original image in the picture is less important at this time. The so-called "log" is to express a subjective life attitude in the form of an objective record. Perhaps subconsciously, I always want to "escape" something, but as one of my friends said: "You can't escape".


李小舟 Li Xiaozhou






《Reclusive White Deer》

White Deer tableland is a loess tableland in the east of Xi'an, which has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people because of Mr. Chen Zhongshi's novels.But if you look into the history, you will find that this ancient tableland has a long history. From the Neolithic period "Huaxu Islet", to the legend of the White Deer in the period of King Ping of Zhou, to the Ba mausoleum of Emperor Wen of Han, to the poem of Bai Juyi, "Horseback riding on the White Deer tableland ", and then to Mr. Chen Zhongshi's literary masterpiece, we can understand the historical and cultural origin of this place.

For the city, the White Deer tableland is easy to see. It is more than 100 meters higher than the ground. This drop emphasizes the sense of form of upper and lower tableland. Because of this, it did not disappear in the process of urbanization very quickly. On today's White Deer tableland, the farming state and village life are still maintained in most places, but the planting of wheat and corn has been greatly reduced and replaced by cherries and white pines with high economic value. In the harvest season of cherries, there is an endless stream of tourists coming to pick them. People living on the tableland have lived here for generations in the traditional farming way, believing that the harvest of this land will make their lives better.

For a long time, White Deer tableland has been quietly hidden at the edge of the city. The densely ribbed cement forest brought about by industrial civilization has made many people forget that we are actually rooted in farming culture, and it is this loess tableland that wakes up our ancient memories at any time. One evening after the snow, the sunset was dappled on the wheat field mixed with snow, the sound of Shaanxi Opera drifted far away in the valley. The smoke from cooking in the village gradually rose. The graves in the fields, old and new, looked at all the movements in silence. At this moment, I believed that the reclusive white deer on the tableland really existed.


彭敏 Peng Min





Photosynthesis is the basis for the survival of living things in nature. In the city, real trees blend with fake flowers. The trees and grasslands are wrapped with dense lamps, beads, tubes and other lights, which are dazzling. Some lights have been embedded into trees due to time. After nightfall, the lighted trees and grasslands are as bright as in the daytime. The lights emit heat and brighten the trees day and night. In the invasion of light, plants are conducting ineffective photosynthesis.

王子旋 Wang Zixuan







《SpringBreeze is Tender,Flowers are Still Blooming》

Twenty two years ago, I was born in a rural family in Xingtai, Hebei Province. For various reasons, when I was nine months old, I was fostered at my aunt's home in Shijiazhuang. I didn't know this life experience until I was nine years old. Since then, I have returned to my hometown in the countryside every year for holidays to live with my biological parents for a period of time.

Whenever this past is mentioned, although we laugh on the surface, but in each other's hearts are covered with a layer of dust, and no one has the courage to wipe it away. This kind of intricate and indescribable emotion is intertwined, pulled, twisted, and interweaved between the two families. The passage of time is an accelerator of emotional complexity.

Until one day, I decided toconfront the two families who gave birth to me and face up to the complex family relationship through images. In this process, I look forward to pursuing my feelings with them in an implicit way of expression, so as to finally clear the clouds and welcome the sunshine.


刘熠璠 Liu Yifan



《Time Distance》

According tothe statistics of the National Health Commission in 2022, there are 190.64 million elderly people aged 65 and above, accounting for 13.50% of the total population. The size of the elderly population is huge and aging is getting worse. More and more children choose to send the elderly to nursing homes to spend their old age due to excessive social pressure. However, due to the uneven level of nursing homes and less care from their children, the mentality and lifestyle of the elderly in nursing homes have changed, and loneliness and loneliness have always accompanied them. Through photography, I hope to show the daily life of elderly people in nursing homes to the public, so that all sectors of the society can pay attention to them and help them solve some practical problems.

王佳旭 Wang Jiaxu




2021丽水摄影节“新学院 新影像”特别收藏奖


《The Age of BALL》

The work is a digital image work created by using 3D modeling and rendering technology. Its intention is to describe our urban life in a surreal and slightly teasing way. We are like spheres, squeezed and pushed, but tirelessly rolling forward, spending every day crowded in this tedious era of rapid development.


王瑞景 Wang Ruijing




《Urban Village》

With the rapid development of cities in China, more and more villages in cities disappear in modern cities. The work attempts to restore and retain a common urban memory with digital 3D technology.



澳大利亚参展院校: 昆士兰艺术学院

日本参展院校: 大阪艺术大学、东京造形大学、日本九州产业大学




马来西亚参展院校: 拉曼大学学院

泰国参展院校: 兰实大学

印度尼西亚参展院校: 印尼日惹艺术学院

中国台湾地区参展院校: 明道大学




承办单位:西安理工大学艺术与设计学院 、山东工艺美术学院




学术主持: 姚璐


Agatha Bunanta(印度尼西亚)、Ampannee Satoh(泰国)、Ang Song Nian(新加坡)、敖国兴、白晓丹、戴菲、邓岩、董钧、Eiffel Chong(马来西亚)、Erzan Adam(新加坡)、胡晓阳、吉川直哉(日本)、贾方、矫健、Lachlan Gardiner(澳大利亚)、Laleper Aytek(土耳其)、李小舟、林简娇、刘阳、Nadia Oh Sueh Peng(新加坡)、Oh Soon-Hwa(韩国)、Salleh Japar(新加坡)、沈洁、史民峰、Tan Tay Guan(马来西亚)、Ugrid Jomyin(泰国)、王培蓓、王帅、杨赫、姚璐、张朴、张省会、中里和人(日本)












1、作品类型、风格、主题不限,但必须是以一个完整的专题形式呈现,须提供主题阐述、摄影师的近期 形象照 及个人简介200字左右,其他可以提供包括个人联系方式、摄影经历、荣衔资历,重要获奖、摄影感悟等。

2、个人作品集(每组15-30张,文件格式:JPG,图片宽度 大于3840像素 ,或者文件 大于5M ,不得有水印)须有每幅作品的标题或图片内容说明。

3、将以上两组文件打包压缩成RAR或ZIP格式发送网站编辑部,万能邮箱: cnphotos@163.com 。

4、入选作品,将在签约摄影师作品赏析名家经典等栏目刊登, 其作品也将登记入库,作图片销售代理,优秀作品将推荐人民网、人民摄影报、澎湃新闻等媒体刊发,同时, 将有资格参与中国摄影网十佳摄影师评选 ,入编《中国摄影网》杂志期刊,颁发签约摄影师证书、入展证书。



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