

# 时 间 不 会 等 你 #








Even American newspapers, which inhabit the most troubled comer of the global industry, have not only survived but often returned to profit.


背景音乐:来自学员@錆青磁 分享:這首是告訴世人,不管遇到任何事,都 never give up!结尾像不像“安倍买了 安倍买了 安倍买了iphone6”

Day 23 全 文 解 析


(1/7)We tend to think of the decades immediately following World War Ⅱ as a time of prosperity and growth, with soldiers returning home by the millions, going off to college on the G. I. Bill and lining up at the marriage bureaus.


(2/7)But when it came to their houses, it was a time of common sense and a belief that less could truly be more. During the Depression and the war, Americans had learned to live with less, and that restraint, in combination with the postwar confidence in the future, made small, efficient housing positively stylish.

- 但说到他们的房子问题,那个时代人们的共识和信仰就是“少实际就是多”。在大萧条和二战期间,美国人学会了节衣缩食过活,这种节制以及他们对未来的信心使得小而实用的房子成为当时绝对的时尚。

(3/7)Economic condition was only a stimulus for the trend toward efficient living. The phrase \"less is more\" was actually first popularized by a German, the architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, who like other people associated with the Bauhaus, a school of design, emigrated to the United States before World War Ⅱ and took up posts at American architecture schools. These designers came to exert enormous influence on the course of American architecture, but none more so than Mies.

-经济状况只是推动实用居住趋势形成的一个诱因。“少即是多”这句话实际是由一位叫 Ludwig Mies van der Rohe的德国建筑师首先推广开的。他和其他与 Bauhaus 建筑学派有关的设计师一样,于二战前移居美国,并在美国多个建筑学院任职。这些设计师们对美国的建筑风格产生了巨大的影响,但没有人能与 Mies 相提并论。

(4/7)Mie's signature phrase means that less decoration, properly organized, has more impact than a lot. Elegance, he believed, did not derive from abundance. Like other modern architects, he employed metal, glass and laminated wood -- materials that we take for granted today but that in the 1940s symbolized the future. Mies's sophisticated presentation masked the fact that the spaces he designed were small and efficient, rather than big and often empty.

-Mies的标志性设计意味着轻装修、重布局的效果比复杂装饰更好。他认为优雅未必来源于复杂装饰。和其他现代建筑师一样,他采用了金属、玻璃和胶合板等材料,这些材料在如今我们看来是理所当然的,但是在当时20世纪40年代却象征着未来。Mies 的精致展示掩盖了这样一个事实:他设计的空间小而实用,而非大且空旷。

(5/7)The apartments in the elegant towers Mies built on Chicago's Lake Shore Drive, for example, were smaller -- two-bedroom units under 1,000 square feet -- than those in their older neighbors along the city's Gold Coast. But they were popular because of their airy glass walls, the views they afforded and the elegance of the buildings' details and proportions, the architectural equivalent of the abstract art so popular at the time.-例如Mies建在芝加哥湖岸大道上的那座优雅高楼,公寓的两个房间面积不到1000平方英尺,比附近那些位于该城市黄金海岸沿线的公寓小。但是因为它们有通风的玻璃墙、公寓景观、典雅的建筑细节和精确的比例——当时备受欢迎的抽象艺术的某些特点,这些公寓广受欢迎。
(6/7)The trend toward \"less\" was not entirely foreign. In the 1930s Frank Lloyd Wright started building more modest and efficient houses -- usually around 1,200 square feet -- than the spreading two-story ones he had designed in the 1890s and the early 20th century.-这种“少”的趋势并非完全是外来的。20世纪30年代,Frank Lloyd Wright 就开始建造面积通常在 1200平方英尺左右的住房,这比起他在19世纪90年代和20世纪初期设计的那种广为盛行的两层建筑更适中更实用。
(7/7)The \"Case Study Houses\" commissioned from talented modern architects by California Arts & Architecture magazine between 1945 and 1962 were yet another homegrown influence on the \"less is more\" trend. Aesthetic effect came from the landscape, new materials and forthright detailing. In his Case Study House, Ralph Rapson may have mispredicted just how the mechanical revolution would impact everyday life --- few American families acquired helicopters, though most eventually got clothes dryers --- but his belief that self-sufficiency was both desirable and inevitable was widely shared.(Translation)-《加州艺术与建筑》杂志社在1945年到1962年间委托一些才华横溢的现代建筑师们设计的“样板房”对“少即 是多”的趋势再次产生了本土影响。美学效应源自自然景色、新型材料和明快的细节设计。在自己设计的样本房中,Ralph Rapson可能错误地预计了机械革命给人们日常生活所带来的影响——尽管在美国拥有直升机的家庭屈指可数,但是大部分家庭都用上了烘干机。但是他认为自给自足的理念既是人们想要的也是不可避免的,这一观点得到了广泛的认同。

文 章 结 构 简 析





本文建议标题:Less is more

选 择 题 详 解

31.The postwar American housing style largely reflected the Americans' ____.

[A] prosperity and growth

[B] efficiency and practicality

[C] restraint and confidence

[D] pride and faithfulness


[A] 繁荣和发展

[B] 高效和实际

[C] 节制和自信

[D] 骄傲和忠实



【解析】根据题干关键词“the postwar American housing style”定位到文章第二段尾句“that restraint... positively stylish”,本句话中的谓语动词 made,表示前因后果的逻辑,即“节制”与“自信”带来了“战后住房风格”的“盛行”,反过来也可以理解为“战后美国的住房风格”反映了美国人的“节制”与“自信”,所以C项正确。 A选项的干扰源自文章首段,但是prosperity和growth 是人们对二战后这个时间段的映像,与美国的战后住宅 风格并无关系,因此A项不对;B选项的干扰源自第二段尾句“made small, efficient housing positively stylish”,这两个词是说明美国二战后的住房风格,并非是美国人的情况,因此不对;D项文中并未提及,属于无中生有。

32.Which of the following can be inferred from Paragraph 3 about the Bauhaus?

[A] It was founded by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.

[B] Its designing concept was affected by World War Ⅱ.

[C] Most American architects used to be associated with it.

[D] It had a great influence upon American architecture.


[A] 它由Ludwig Mies van der Rohe所创建

[B] 它的设计理念受到二战的影响

[C] 大多数美国建筑师都曾与它有联系

[D] 它对美国的建筑有巨大影响



【解析】根据题干信息“Bauhaus”定位到文章第三段,对四个选项分别进行判断。段落第二句“The phrase„”中定语从句 who 的内容告诉读者Ludwig Mies van der Rohe只是与Bauhaus有交往,而非是创建者,因此A选项不对;本句还提到与Bauhaus相关的人是在二战前移民到美国的,并未提及它的设计理念受到二战的影响,故可排除 B;在这个句子中 who引导的定语从句部分,只提到了“其他与 Bauhaus 建筑学派有关的人”, 但并不等于“大多数美国建筑师都曾和它有联系”,属于过度推理,故C选项不正确。D 选项可以在第三段最后一句话“These designers ...of American architecture”找到对应信息,此句话中的“these designers”承接上文指代 Mies 和与 Bauhaus 有关的建筑师,由此推出Bauhaus对美国建筑有很大影响,故D项正确。

33. Mies held that elegance of architectural design __

[A] was related to large space

[B] was identified with emptiness

[C] was not reliant on abundant decoration

[D] was not associated with efficiency


[A] 和大的空间有关系

[B] 等同于空旷

[C] 并不依靠大量的装饰

[D] 和高效无关



【解析】根据题干关键词“Mies held”和“elegance of architectural design”定位到原文第四段第二句“Elegance, he believed, did not derive from abundance”,答案C选项是对这句话的同义改写,was not reliant on = did not derive from,abundant decoration = abundance,故答案选C。 根据第四段尾句“the spaces...often empty”可知,A、B、D选项均与此句信息相反,故不正确。

34.What is true about the apartments Mies built on Chicago's Lake Shore Drive?

[A] They ignored details and proportions.

[B] They were built with materials popular at that time.

[C] They were more spacious than neighboring buildings.

[D] They shared some characteristics of abstract art.


[A] 它们忽略了细节和比例

[B] 它们是用当时流行的材料建造而成

[C] 它们比周围的建筑更宽敞

[D] 它们和抽象艺术有相同的特征



【解析】题干关键信息“the apartments Mies built on Chicago’s Lake Shore Drive”指向文章第五段首句“The apartments...older neighbour”。逐一把四个选项与原文信息对比,发现C项(比周围建筑宽敞)明显与文章内容相反,可排除;通过第五段第二句But they were popular because of可以判断出A项(忽略细节和比例)可以排除,因为原文说的是这些房子很受欢迎是因为它们有“高雅的建筑细节 和比例”;B项属于偷换概念,原文说当时很受欢迎的东西是“the architectural equivalent of the abstract art”,而非B项所说的材料,故不正确;D项是对原文内容“the elegance of ... at the time”的总结归纳,Mies 所建的房子具有的是当时备受欢迎的抽象艺术的某些特点,故D项正确。

35. What can we learn about the design of the \"Case Study Houses\" ?

[A] Mechanical devices were widely used.

[B] Natural scenes were taken into account.

[C] Details were sacrificed for the overall effect.

[D] Eco-friendly materials were employed.

35.从 \"Case Study Houses\"的设计中,我们可以了解到什么

[A] 机械装置被广泛应用

[B] 自然景色成为考虑因素

[C] 为了整体效果牺牲了细节

[D] 采用了环保材料



【解析】再将文中所提到的细节与四个选项进行比对,发现文章第二句 “Aesthetic effect ...forthright detailing.”提到“样板房”的美学效果都是源自于自然景色、新型材料和明快的细节。由此可知,B项正确,C项与文章意思相反,细节并未被牺牲,而是美学效果要考虑的因素之一,D项偷换了原文“new material”的概念,新型材料不一定就是环保材料。尾段第三句中提到mispredict 一词说明他是对未来的预测,表明机械革命的影响是在未来出现的,在当时并没有,就更不用说机械装置的广泛应用了,故A项不正确。

真 题 D 24 任 务






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