

Renaissance 文艺复兴

Enlightment 启蒙运动

Shakespeare 莎士比亚

The Atlantic 大西洋

Antarctic 澳洲

Oceania 大洋洲

The old continent 旧大陆

Aristotle 亚里士多德

Socratic 苏格拉底

Moderately prosperous society 小康社会

Muti-polarization 多极化

Disarmament 裁军

Summit forum高峰论坛

Export-oriented industry 出门创汇性产业

Financial deficit 财政赤字

Cut down the over-staffing 削减冗员

Anti-dumping 反倾销

Transference of title of property 产权转移

Multilateral trade of negotiation 多边贸易谈判

Seperate custom territory 独立关税区

Personal income tax 个人所得税

Custom barrier 关税壁垒

Certificate of completion 结业证书

Normal school 师范学校

Cyber manhunt 人肉搜索


A well-off family 小康家庭

Practice filial piety 尽孝

Take care of elderly 照顾老人

Blind worship /irrational worship 盲目崇拜

Psychological/physical health 心理/生理健康

Sacrifice health 牺牲健康

Vaccinate 打疫苗

Infectious disease 传染性疾病

Non-acclimatization 水土不服

Short-sightness 近视

Malnutrition 营养不良

Culture and civilization 文化文明

Be free of change 免费

Cultural relics 文化遗产

Great and profound 深远的

Hand down from generation to generation 一代代传承

National pride 国家自信

Compulsory education 义务教育

Enrol new student 招生

Recruitment 征兵

Intellectual property 知识产权

Teach student according to their aptitude 因材施教

Extra - curricular activities 课外活动

Constrain creativity 限制创造力

Dampen student's interest in sth 削减学生兴趣

Key school 重点学校

Eliminate illiteracy 扫盲


Postgraduates 研究生考试

Excessive academic pressure过大学业压力


Manufacturer 厂商

The competitive edge 竞争力

Narrow the gap between urban and rural area 缩减城乡差距

Satisfaction 满足感

Economic prosperity 经济繁荣

Delayed retirement 延迟退休

Unrealistic salary expectation 不切实际的薪资要求

Generate job opportunity 创造就业机会

Unfair competition 不公平竞争

The demand exceed the supply 需过于供

Fierce competition 激烈竞争

Down -to -earth spirit/attitude 实干精神

Empty talk 空谈

Never-say-die spirit 永不言弃精神

Give up halfway 半途而废

Rise to challenges 迎接挑战

Actions speak louder than words 行动胜过言语

Put theory into practice 理论用于实践

Liberal arts 文科

Science and engineering 自然科学

Diploma 文凭

Academic degree 学位

Quality-oriented education 基础教育

Examination-oriented education 应试教育

Vocational training 职业培训

Distance learning 远程教育

Intellectual development 智力发展

Cognitive development 认知发展

Paragon/paradigm 模范

Traditional Chinese virtue 传统中华美德

Family ties 亲情

Standard of behaivour/code of conduct 行为准则

Cultural heritage 文化遗产

Cultural integeration 文化融合

Cultural diversity 文化多样性

Stimulate imagination 激发想象

Establish correct values 树立正确价值观

Remain thirsty of knowledge 渴求知识

Be absorbed in study 沉迷学习

Public morality 社会公德

Charity 慈善

Selfless devotion 无私奉献

Comply with the law 遵纪守法

Amiable 和蔼的

Illegal ads 非法广告

Mutual understanding 互相理解

The aged society 老龄化社会

Spoil children 溺爱孩子

The universal two-child policy 双胎政策

Utilitarian 功利的


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