


Military adventurism军事冒险主义

Tear ….away from sth 使依依不舍地离开,忍痛离去

Bear burdens 承受负担

Load sb with sth 使某人承重

Drive back 击退;驱车赶回

Stick it/sth out 坚持到底,忍受下去



Secretary of state 国务卿;部长

Hand out 分发

Turn over 移交;转托

Pass down 继承;遗传

Bring back 拿回;使恢复

From the outset从开始时;以这种方式

Make it成功

Working class 工人阶级;劳动阶级

At that point 在那个时候



Be popular with 受...欢迎

School district 学区

Across the country 全国范围内

With the exception of 除…之外

Academic grade 学业成绩

Count for 有价值

Give a pass to 给…通行证

Be meant to 旨在

Report card成绩单

Across-the-board 一刀切的

No more than 仅仅,只有

Empower sb to do sth 赋予某人做某事的权利

Result in 导致

Place burdens on 给....添加负担

Discourage from 劝阻;使失去信心

At the same time与此同时

A portion of一部分

Put on hold 搁置;暂缓实施

Look into 调查

Conduct public hearings 举行公众听证会

It is not too late to do sth 为时不晚

Be responsible for 负责

School board 校董会

Ask for请求;要求;询问




Be obsessed with 痴迷于

Be pervasive in 充斥于

a slice of 一片


encoded in one’s DNA 编码至某人DNA

associate professor副教授

as a practical matter 出于实用角度

gender-neutral 中性

come into its own显示出用处

virgin Mary圣母玛利亚

regard as 认为

core belief 核心观念

turn out结果是

Department store 百货商店

psychological development心理发展

trade publication 贸易出版物

stepping stone 垫脚石;跳板

a sure-fire way to…. ….的绝佳办法

segment a market 细分市场

evolve into演变成


classify into划分为


Federal judge 联邦法官

Shake …into its core 彻底震撼

Some 20%大约20%

Rule out 废除

Federal appeals court联邦上诉法院

A blessing to …的福音

Hold patents to ….持有对…的专利

File a brief 提交案情摘要

No less than 不亚于

Separate ….from…..将….从….中分离

The Supreme Court最高法院

May yet很可能会

Man-made products 人造产品

File a patent for 就….提交申请

In the public domain在公众领域

Be eager to do.....渴望;急于

Be keen to do....热衷于做某事

Coach sb on sth 对某人就某事进行培训

The shifting landscape for 就….的变换的情形

Each meeting was packed 每场会议都座无虚席

Be determined by 取决于



Life course生命历程

Great recession大萧条

Find silver linings 寻找一丝希望

Better off 更好

Fever dream 狂热之梦

Bright side 积极的一面

Put an end to….对...做出终结

Far off 遥远

At the very least 至少

Mean-spirited 心胸狭隘的

Economical stagnation经济停滞

Leave sb/sth 使某人变得….

Human nature 人性

Class divide 阶级分化

Catch up to 赶上

Social conflicts 社会冲突

Left behind 留下,遗留

Lag behind 落后

Social fabric社会结构

National polls 国内民意调查

Lean times 经济不景气时期

All the more so更会如此

Mixed results 不同的结果

In many respects 在许多方面


Great men伟人

No more than 只不过是;仅仅

Point to 指向;表明

Victorian sage 维多利亚时期的哲人

A passing literary craze 一时的文学热潮

Fall out 发生;脱落;争吵;离队;结果是

The Prince 《君主论》

The Renaissance 文艺复兴

Turn on ith head完全改变,打开它的头

Napoleon Bonaparte拿破仑·波拿马

Manly character 男子气概的品格

Martin Luther 马丁·路德

Oliver Cromwell 奥利弗·克伦威尔

Be convinced by 被…说服

Marx and Engels马克思和恩格斯

The communist manifesto共产党宣言

The masses 大众

Social context 社会环境

In place of 代替;取代;而不是

Classical hero 古典英雄

Epochal figure 划时代的人物


Brain drain人才流失

Silicon valley 硅谷

Come up with想出,赶上


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