考研英语新大纲:样题解析(大作文) _考研补习班那个好

考研英语新大纲:样题解析(大作文) _考研补习班那个好











Read the following except from an article and write an essay. In your essay, you should explain whether or to what extent you agree with the author. Support your argument with reasons and relevant examples.

Write your answer in 160-200 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (20points)




Many of us, whatever our field of work, fear that showing uncertainty can damage our image—and we may compensate by expressing overconfidence in an attempt to win trust. But in many situations people are willing to trust those who can admit they don’t have a definitive answer. Recent studies found that communicating uncertainty and even admitting our mistakes is not harmful and can even be beneficial to trustworthiness. So failure in “expertise”can be compensated by higher integrity and benevolence. When communicating uncertainty in a transparent way, we are perceived as less biased and willing to tell the truth.




This is a simple but enlightening except from an article, in which the author informs us that communicating uncertainty and even admitting one’s mistakes is not harmful and can even help to gain trust. I compeletly agree with this idea.

Admittedly, in our field of work, it is a common phenomenon for us to communicate various issues or talk about plans with colleagues. Then, how to be trusted? As a youngster, I cling to the idea that it is of great necessity for us not to pursue the so-called perfect personal image. Instead, if we intend to acquire and enjoy others’ trust, we are supposed not to fear showing our uncertainty in “expertise”. To my understanding, being honesty can be likened to a key to the gate of successful communication. As a matter of fact, if one merely pretends to know what he does not know, this ridiculous behavior may constitute an obstacle that hinders his progress and growth in career, life and learning.

To conclude, in communication with friends, classmates and colleagues, everyone should bear in mind that no one is perfect and no one knows everything. In most cases, telling the truth can help us get others’ trust, arouse others’ passion for talking with us and bring a positive atmosphere of communication. (216 words)





48.Directions: Write an essay based on the charts below. In your essay, you should

1)describe the charts briefly,

2)interpret the charts, and

3)give your comments.

Write your answer in 160-200 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (20points)

The fist chart, apparently, can be associated with the increasing popularity of the Internet in China. To be specific, a growing number of people use the Internet, from 682.860 million in 2015 to 1.03195 billion in 2021. Meanwhile, the percentage of netizens ascended a lot, from 50.3% to 73.0%. However, the second chart shows various reasons for which people do not use the Internet.

In reality, as youngsters, we surf the Internet nearly every day. The Internet brings us great convenience, arouses our passion for modern technology and helps us enjoy a comfortable, efficient and colorful life. As a customer, I purchase many items from online stores; as a student, I attend online courses to acquire knowledge; as a job hunter, I send emails to apply for certain positions. Thus, we can say that it is the Internet that has changed our life, work and learning. However, some children become addicted to online games and the Internet has become an obstacle that hinders their growth and progress.

Thus, to my understanding, the Internet can be likened to a double-edged sword. Although we are supposed to encourage many people to utilize the Internet, it is still advisable for us to use it in a rational way.





48. Directions:

Read the following excerpt from an article and write an essay. In your essay, you should explain whether or to what extent you agree with the author. Support your argument with reasons and relevant examples.

Write your answer in about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15points)




Studies in the US. and the UK. consistently show that children have lost the right to wander. This is why many of our youth turn to technology. They are not addicted to the computer; they’re addicted to interaction, and being around their friends. Children and especially teenagers, don’t want to only socialize with parents and siblings; they want to play with their peers. That’s how they make sense of the world. And we’ve robbed them of that opportunity. We’re raising our children in captivity and they turn to technology to socialize, learn and relax. Why are we blaming the screens?






Given is a simple but enlightening excerpt of an article, which clearly illustrates the result of several studies in the US and the UK: children have lost the right to wander and thus, they turn to technology to socialize, relax and learn. As a youngster, I agree with this argument.

Admittedly, compared with the past years, children enjoy less space and freedom to wander, especially in cities, where the traffic is busy and skyscrapers are crowded. Even in city parks, children are often accompanied by parents to wander. However, as the studies show, children are fond of interaction with their peers rather than their parents. A case in point is me. As a senior who is preparing for the national entrance examination for postgraduates, I do not prefer talking my problems in learning with my parents or my siblings. Instead, I tend to release my stress by listening to music, chatting with friends or playing games on smartphones.

Accordingly, it is advisable for parents to give children the right to wander. Meanwhile, parents are suppose to guide the kids to use the technology in a rational way because some of them may be addicted to games.





考研英语新大纲:样题解析(大作文) _考研补习班那个好

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