考研复试英语口语(考研复试英语口语不好会被刷吗) _工商管理考研

考研复试英语口语(考研复试英语口语不好会被刷吗) _工商管理考研


Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First, let me introduce myself. My name is×××,24.I come from ×××, the capital of××× Province. I come from the ××× department of×××University .I am skillful in××× ,and I have a comparative good command of××× .I’m trying my best for obtaining admission from yours. I'll continue my effort stably for the goal whatever the result. I'll never regret. Thanks for your listening.That’all.
Good morning.dear professors, I am so glad to meet all of you here. I am ××× .You can call me ××× ,×××years old.I am from ×××University,majoring in ×××.I have been prepareing for the postgraduate examination while I have been working in ××× 2 years.I come from ×××, the capital of××× Province. I am doing my best to obtain a chance to attend ××× University..I'll continue my effort stably for the goal whatever the result.I'll never regret. Thanks for your listening.That’all.
【问题】What do you think about your strengths?/What is your greatest strength?/Do you have any particular merits?
(1)My advantage is that I am more curious. I believe that curiosity is vitally important in study.I'm always curious about the things around and I want to know it very much!Especially when I study,I want to figure out what I don’t understand.我的优势是我有很强烈的好奇心。我相信好奇心对于研究来说至关重要。我经常对我身边的一切保持好奇,我也非常想知道答案。尤其是当我学习的时候,我非常想把自己不懂的东西都搞清楚。
(2)I have a strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit.When I was(某个职务) , I spent a lot of thoughts and organized many activities. I was responsible for planned budget and organization. I built(某个团队/组织)like a big family and gained unanimous praise from teachers and classmates.我有很强的领导能力,同时有很强的团队精神。我担任(某个职务)的时候,我花费许多心思办了许多活动,负责计划预算和组织统筹的工作,把(某个团体/组织)建设得如同一个大家庭,获得了老师和同学的一致好评。
(3)I'm a good learner. In order to make myself more competitive, I learmed (某些自学的知识) in a short time through self-study. This is because I have mastered a set of self- study methods and learned how to absorb something that I haven't touched before.我学习能力强。为了使自己具备更强的竞争力,我通过自学的方式在较短的时间内学会了(某些自学的知识),这是因为我已经掌握了一套自学的方法,学会了如何吸纳之前完全没有接触过的东西。
【问题】Do you have any hobbies that you are proud of?/What's your favorite hobby?/Describe one of your hobbies.
(1)I enjoy reading, especially those of well-known writers. I can learn a lot from their works.Meanwhile,in my opinion ,reading is not like watching TV or browsing TikTok. They do not require a process of thinking activities. Reading is a proactive learning process that will make our thinking agile, so I will keep reading.我喜欢阅读,尤其是那些著名作家的作品,我能从他们的作品中学到很多东西。读书不像看电视或刷抖音,这两者都不需要有思考的过程,而阅读是一个积极主动的学习过程,会让我们的思维变敏捷,所以我会坚持读书这个习惯。
(2)I like playing football. It's a very exciting game because it keeps me alert and I also enjoy the team spirit of football. For students who are gettig more and more stressed, proper physical exercise can not only improve our physical finess,but also combine work and rest, so that their intellectual level can be fully exerted, so I will stick to exercise.我喜欢踢足球。足球是项非常刺激的运动,它会让我保持思维敏捷,我也喜欢足球这项运动中的团队精神。对于学习压力日趋加重的我们来说,适当地进行体育运动不仅可以提高身体素质,还可以做到劳逸结合,使智力水平得到充分的发挥,所以我会坚持运动。
(3)I love travelling, which is a way to broaden my horizons, through which I can learn about different cultures of the world.Most of the time you will find that your views on your previous studies and life have changed when you enter a new environment. By travelling and changing the environment, we can reexamine ourselves and get out of trouble.我喜欢旅行,这是一种开阔视野的方式,通过旅行我可以了解世界上不同的文化。很多时候你会发现,自己到了一个新的环境,对之前学习和生活的看法就变了。通过旅行,换一个环境,可以让我们重新审视自己,走出困境。
【问题】What do you think about your weakness?/What is your greatest shortcoming?
(1)Sometimes I can not say no to people,So I end up taking on more than my fair share of the work.But I am also happy that I can help others. Therefore, I don't think it's a complete defect that I don't know how to refuse others. As long as it is within my ability, I still hope to reach out as much as posiable.有时候我不太会拒绝,所以做的事情常常比别人多.但是我也为自己能够帮助到他人而感到开心。所以我并不认为不懂得拒绝是完全意义上的缺点,只要是自己能力范围内的事情,我还是希望尽可能地伸出援手。
(2)I think my weakness is that I am obsessive and I will not stop until a job is well done.Although I will spend more time and energy than others, I feel that everything is worth it when I see the results of my work. Of course, I hope that I can pay more attention to time management and improve efficiency while pursuing quality.我有点强迫症,不把工作做好我是不会罢休的。虽然我会因此付出比别人更多的时间和精力,但是看到自己工作的成果时我感觉一切都是值得的。当然,我希望自己能够更加注重时间管理,在追求质量的同时提升效率。
(3)I am introverted and not good at socializing. However, I also spent a lot of time socializing with others to learn a lot of knowiledge and skills that are helpful for my future development, such as(知识或技能) . Of course, communicating with people is essential for future work and study, so I also learn to talk to people actively.我性格内向,不擅长社交。不过我也用别人去社交的时间学习了很多自认为对未来发展有帮助的知识和技能,例如(知识或技能)。当然,与人沟通是未来工作和学习中必不可少的,所以我也会学着去主动与人交谈。
【问题】 Where are you from?/Tell something about your hometown./Would you like to tell some stories about your hometown?
(1)My hometown is ××× , although it is not as busy and beautiful as the big city, there is no big city high-rise buildings. But I love it very much, because I love this land and love the industrious people here. Our successes and failures, our happiness and sorrow, the way we get along with the world, and the way we buildrelationships with people are all related to our hometown, because what we have learned from childhood will affect ourwhole life.我的家乡在×××,尽管它没有像大城市一样繁华和美丽,也没有大城市的高楼大厦,但是我非常爱它,因为我爱这片土地和这里勤奋的人们。我们的成功与失败,我们的幸福与哀愁,我们与世界相处,与人构建关系的方式都与故乡有关,因为从小耳濡目染的东西会影响我们的一生。
(2)My hometown is (某省市) ,I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.Although the ××× in my hometown is not very good, but I love my hometown because the barren land here nourishes my kindness and my hometown is a part of my life.我的家乡在(某省市)。我爱我的家乡,我更爱那里的人,他们努力工作来让家乡变得更加的富裕和美丽。虽然我的家乡×××不是很好,但是我热爱自己的家乡,因为这里贫瘠的土地滋养了我善良的品质,家乡是我生命的一部分。
(3)Let me introduce my hometown (某省市) briefy.“Chengdu is a city that you don't want to leave when you come." In addtion to food and beauty, the people of Chengdu are also famous for their enthusiasm. No matter where you come from, the people of Chengdu will warmly welcome you.Even if I have tasted the delicious food all over the world, I still miss the taste of my hometown. The taste of my hometown reminds me of the warmth and the expectations of my family. These are the driving forces on my way forward.让我来简单介绍一下我的家乡(某省市)。人们常说“成都是一座你来了就不想离开的城市”,除了美食、美景,成都人民也是出了名的热情,无论你来自哪里成都人民都会热情的迎接你们。即使是尝遍了全世界的美食,还是会想念家乡的味道。家乡的味道让我想起家庭的温暖以及家人对我的期盼,这些都是我前进路上的原动力。
【问题】Could you say something about your experience of scientific research?
(1)In the summer vacation of my junior year, I stood out with outstanding achievements and was allowed to participate in(某科研项目) . Under the guidance of my tutor, I independently undertook a project named (某课题).In this research project, I was mainly responsible for(工作内容).By participating in this project, I have greatly improved my ability to discover, analyze, and solve practical problems. I hope that I can apply these learned methods to postgraduate study and practice.大三那年暑假,我以优异的成绩脱颖而出,被允许参加 (某科研项目)。在导师的指导下,我独立承担了一个课题,课题的名称是 (某课题)。在此次科研项目中,我主要负责(工作内容).通过参加这个项目,我在发现、分析和解决实际问题的能力方面有很大的提升,希望能够把学到的这些方法运用到研究生阶段的学习和实践中。
(2)The research project I participated in is about(某项目主题). My partners and I must commute hours every day to shuffle between lab and dormitory. In winters when snow storm attacked our city, our research group still made it to the lab in order to complete time-consuming experiments.In this research project, the mentors assigned work according to our respective strengths, and I was responsible for(工作内容)。In the process of project research, I learned to use some classical methods such as (某研究方法) to support the decision-making of research projects. In the process of project research and leamning, we should use some common research tools, such as (某研究工具) and so on.
我参加的科研项目是关于 (某项目主题)的,我和我的同学必须每天通勤几个小时,在实验室和宿舍之间穿梭。暴雪天我们的研究小组仍坚持去实验室,以完成耗时的实验。在此次科研项目中,导师根据我们各自的长处分配了工作,我负责的是(工作内容)。在项目研究的过程中,我学会了运用一些经典方法如 (某研究方法)等来支持研究项目的决策。在课题研究学习过程中,还要运用一些常用的研究工具,如 (某研究工具)等。
(1)I'm sorry. I have no scientific research experience. But I served as the laboratory assistant of the tutor during my undergraduate course, and also helped my seniors to do some small experiments. My specific job was(工作内容). By participating in their scientific research, I also got some thoughts, such as. (对科研项目的思考) , and I will furtherexplore these issues later.很抱歉老师,我没有科研经历。但是我在本科期间担任过导师的实验室助理,还帮师兄师姐做过一-些小的实验,我的具体工作是(工作内容),通过参与他们科研,我也获得了一些思考,例如 (对科研项目的思考),之后我也会对这些问题进行进一步的探究。
(2) I'm sorry. I have no experience in scientific research. But I have participated in some forum activities,course training, and made some professional reports. I have benefited a lot from these activities, and also thought about what I will do in the future.很抱歉老师,我没有科研经历。但是我参加过一些论坛活动,课程培训,做过一些与专业相关的报告,从这些活动中我受益良多,也思考了自己在未来会进行哪些方面的研究。
【问题】Please introduce your internship briefly/What have you learned from your internship experience?
(1)I was an intern at (某公司) in X年X月, and as an internin(某岗位), my main job was (工作内容) . Through three months of practical learning, I have the ability to be independent to do. (某工作) ,and more determined to learm (某专业),especially (具体的方向) , and 1 hope to have the opportunity to have a deeper learning in(某岗位) in the future.我于X年X月在 (某公司)实习,作为一名(某岗位)的实习生,我负责的主要工作是 (工作内容)。通过三个月的实践学习,我拥有了独立做(某工作)的能力,并且更加坚定了自己要学习(某专业)的决心,尤其是 (县体的方向),也希望未来有机会在 (某岗位)进行更深入的学习。
(2)My first internship was a paid internship, and my work unit was. (某单位) , I was mainly responsible for(工作内容).During the internship, I became familiar with all kinds of common office sofware, which greatly improved my work efficiency.In the proces of internship, I was more interested in (某专业) and determined to be a pracitioner of (某专业) ,soIshould continue to study for postgraduate in order to improve my education, and be able to enter the (某知名企业) which I dream of after graduation.我的第一份实习是带薪实习,我的工作单位是(某单位),我主要负责(工作内容)。实习期间我熟练掌握了各类常用的办公软件,极大程度上提高了我的工作效率。在实习的过程中,我更加感受到自己对于(某专业)的兴趣以及想要做一名 (某专业)从业人员的决心,所以我一定要继续读研,为的是提高自己的学历,在毕业后能够进入我梦寐以求的(某知名企业)去工作。
(3)My internship was (实习岗位) , and I was mainly responsible for (工作内容) and other work.(为人处世) In this internship, I not only leamed a lot of pofssional knowledge, but also learned how to communicate effectively with leaders, colleagues and users, and leamned to deal with interpersonal relationships, because communicationand cooperation are very important at work.In the proces of internship,I found we should learm to use in practice what we have learned rather than lingering on the books, but I also found that mycurrent knowledge was not enough to solve some professional problems, such as (某专业问题) . Iknew that I didn't havemuch time to study after the formal work, so I decided to continue my postgraduate study in order to make more full preparation. .我的实习岗位是 (实习岗位),平时我主要负责(工作单位)的(工作内容)等工作。在这段实习经历中,我不仅学到了很多专业知识,还学到了如何与领导、同事、用户进行有效的沟通,并学会处理好人际关系,因为工作中沟通与合作是非常重要的。在实习的过程中我发现,我们要懂得学以致用,不能只停留在书本上。但是我发现自已目前掌握的知识不足以去解决一些专业问题,例如(基专业问题)。我知道在正式工作之后是没有太多的时间可以用于学习的,所以为了做更为充分的准备,我决定继续读研。
Could you say something about your experience of your job?
(1)I used to have a job at(某公司. I worked hard with my teammates. Our best performance in our work is(取得的成绩). I learned to be patient from my previous work experience, and I also accumulated a lot of work experience which is related to (某专业)But I always think that it is easy for a person to fall behind if he/she does not study. Although I have already worked, it is very important for me to absorb new knowledge for my promotion and so on. Therefore, I choose further study.我曾在(某公司)工作。我曾和我的团队一起努力,我们在工作中的最好成绩是(工作成绩)。我从这段工作中学会了做事要耐心,同时我也积累了很多与(某专业)相关的工作经验。我始终认为一个人如果不学习的话很容易落伍,虽然我已经工作了,但是吸收新的知识对我在工作中的晋升等等都是非常重要的,因此我选择继续读研。
(2)I have previously worked as a(职业)in(某公司)。This job has greatly improved my ability to write reports and record minutes. At the same time, it has also trained my memory.From my work, I aiso learned how to find information, conduct personnel organization and assignment as well as speak skillfully and so on. I did get a lot from that job.Although work helps me reduce the burden of life and gain a lot of experience, when I encounter problems, I have little time to learn the methods and knowledge to solve these problems, so I want to stop and learn more when I still have learning motivations to meet the challenges of the future.我之前在(某公司)从事过(职业)工作。这份工作让我的书写报告和做好会议记录的能力得到了很大的提升,同时,也锻炼了我的记忆力。从工作中我学会了如何找资料,如何进行人员组织和工作分配,如何有技巧地讲话等,那份工作的确使我收获很多。虽然工作帮助我减轻了生活负担,也让我收获了很多经验,但是当我遇到问题时,几乎没有时间去学习解决这些问题的方法和知识,所以我想停下来,趁自己还有学习动力的时候多学点东西以应对未来的挑战。


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