



  不知您有没有考虑过……  I was wondering if you'd ever thought of

  我想那是一个不错的主意  I think it might be a good idea.

  你想到过没有  Have you ever thought of

  你总是…… You could always……

  我要是你,就…… If I were you I'd……

  你最好 You'd better……


  噢,实在对不起 Oh, I'm awfully sorry……

  歉意之深,实在是无以言表 I can't tell you how sorry I am……

  我真不知该怎样说才好 I just don't know what to say……

  万分抱歉 I'm extremely sorry.


  言归正传 To get back to the story

  当我说这句话的时候 As I was saying

  长话短说 To make a long story short


  如果你问我的话 If you ask me,

  你知道我的想法吗?我认为 You know what I think? I think that

  要点就是 The point is

  您不这样说吗? Wouldn't you say that

  你不这样认为吗? Don't you agree that

  照我看来,As I see it

  我只是想说说我的想法,…… I'd just like to say that I think that

  我要指出的是…… I'd like to point out that


  (1) 同意

  的确如此(完全同意) Exactly

  我一万个同意  I couldn't agree more

  那正是我想的 That's just was I was thinking

  好主意  That's a good point

  英雄所见略同  Great minds think alike

  (2) 不同意

  是的,说的不错,但是,yes, that's true, but

  我不敢肯定我是否同意…… I'm not sure if I agree

  你在那一方面是有道理,但是,Well. You have s point there, but

  也许吧,但是你难道没有想到  Maybe, but don't you think that


  (1) 委婉表达意见

  有时我想 I sometimes think that

  我听说过  Well, I've heard that

  你不是说  Wouldn't you say that

  你认为你说……是对的吗?  Do you think it's right to say that

  我倒觉得It's my feeling that

  (2) 不懂就问

  我不明白你说的关于……的情况  I didn't follow what you said about

  对不起,我不明白你的意思  Sorry,I don't see what you mean

  你到底想告诉我什么 I don't see what you're getting at

  我不能完全理解难得意旨  What exactly are you trying to tell me

  (3) 被人误解和被人不懂立即解释

  那不完全是我想表达的  That's not exactly what I mean

  让我换一种说法  Let me put it another way

  让我再讲一次  Sorry, let me explain


  (1) 提问


  I was wondering if you could help me. I'd like to know


  I wonder if you could tell me


  I hope you don't mind my asking, but I'd like to know


  Excuse me, but could I ask you a quick question?

  (2) 拖延, 避免冷场

  好好好,让我想想  Well,let me see

  好的,我想一下  Oh let me think for a minute

  我不敢肯定,我要核查一下  I' m not sure; I'll have to check

  那真实一个有趣的问题  That's a very interesting question


  您再讲一些有关……的情况吗? Could you tell me some more about

  你能不能再多说一点关于……  Could you mind telling me more about

  关于……我还想了解的更多 I'd like to know more about

  我还想知道 Something else I was wondering about was

  另外我想知道的是  Something else I' d like to know is


  Sorry to keep after you, but could you tell me

  对不起,我不是太明白为什么  Sorry, I don't quite understand




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