









  1. Most novelists and historians writing in the early to mid-twentieth century who considered women in the West, when they considered women at all, fell under Turner's spell.

  分析:本句的主干结构是:Most novelists and historians…fell under Turner’s spell. Turner 是美国历史学家。under a spell:被迷住,着迷。

  writing in the early to mid-twentieth century who considered women in the West, when they considered women at all 修饰主语,起分割主谓的作用。而其中的状语从句when they considered women at all 是定语从句who considered women in the West中的状语成分。


  2. In the last eight years there were difficult, almost non-stop negotiations and reported threats of failure, ultimately overcome by a combination of creative compromise and stubborn determination—indeed, some call it unprecedented determination—to succeed.

  分析:本句的主干结构是:…there were negotiations and…threats of failure。“overcome by…”是过去分词短语,修饰 threats of failure。stubborn determination 和其定语动词不定式“to succeed”被“indeed, some call it unprecedented determination”分割。


  3. Abraham Lincoln is the most famous instance of the claim that Americans often made that in their country a man may rise from the lowest to the highest position.

  分析:the claim 和其同位语 that in their country a man may rise from the lowest to the highest position 被 the claim 的定语从句that Americans often made 分割。同位语从句在翻译时可按照顺序翻译,将其翻译为分句。

  4. The discovery of surplus value suddenly threw light on the problem, in trying to solve which all previous investigations, of both bourgeois economists and social critics, had been groping in the dark.

  分析:in trying to solve插在 the problem 和定语从句which…之间,起到承上启下的作用。of both bourgeois economists and social critics为investigations 的后置定语,起到分割作用。


  5. A better knowledge of China’s civilization would lay open to us an empire of learning, hitherto fabulously described.

  分析:lay open 和 an empire of learning 被介词短语 to us 分割。本句选自英国前首相撒切尔夫人1982年在中国欢迎宴会上的讲话。翻译时要注意转译的应用。如把“better”译为副词“更好地”。


  6. It is the insistence, as a first consideration, upon the interdependence of the various elements in, and parts of, the United States—a recognition of the old and permanently important manifestation of the American spirit of the pioneer.

  分析:insistence 后接upon the interdependence of the various elements in, and parts of, the United States, 中间被插入语as a first consideration 分割,做进一步说明。该句选自美国前总统罗斯福在1933年的就职演说。汉语中动词用得较多,翻译时可把名词转译为动词。

  7. As they grow old, people also accumulate belongings for two other reasons: lack of physical and mental energy—both of which are essential in turning out and throwing away—and sentiment.

  分析:该句包含了并列结构被分割的情况。lack of physical and mental energy和sentiment 是并列结构,作two other reasons的同位语。但是被非限定性定语从句both of which are essential in turning out and throwing away分割。


  8. Those who believe in capital punishment may have arguments for its retention, but surely no reasonable argument can be found for retention of the sickening mumbo-jumbo that accompanies it from the moment that the judge dons the black cap with what looks like a pen-wiper balanced on the top of his wig, to the reading of the burial service over the condemned man before he is dead.

  分析:这是一个由but引导的并列句。前一分句较简单,who引导的从句作those 的定语,but 后的从句较复杂,从句套从句,for retention…dead是argument的定语。因为它比较长,所以把谓语动词can be found放在它和argument之间,形成分割结构。

  该句较长,可以分为三层:第一层是those…retention,第二层是but…mumbo-jumbo,第三层是that accompanies…dead。基本上可采用顺序法翻译。


  9. The second aspect is the application by all members of society, from the government official to the ordinary citizen, of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use in the work.

  分析:这是一个很典型的分割结构。主干结构是:The second aspect is the application…of the special methods of thought and action,application和修饰它的介词短语被一个长长的by短语分割。


  10.Old Henry and his wife Phoebe were as fond of each other as it is possible for two old people to be who have nothing else in this life to be fond of.

  分析:连词as 引导的比较状语从句中,it 代替for two old people to be。to be 后省略了fond of each other。to be 做分割成分。

  11. As they grow old, people also accumulate belongings for two other reasons: lack of physical and mental energy—both of which are essential in turning out and throwing away—and sentiment.

  分析:该句包含了并列结构被分割的情况。lack of physical and mental energy和sentiment 是并列结构,作two other reasons的同位语。但是被非限定性定语从句both of which are essential in turning out and throwing away分割。


  12. Those who believe in capital punishment may have arguments for its retention, but surely no reasonable argument can be found for retention of the sickening mumbo-jumbo that accompanies it from the moment that the judge dons the black cap with what looks like a pen-wiper balanced on the top of his wig, to the reading of the burial service over the condemned man before he is dead.

  分析:这是一个由but引导的并列句。前一分句较简单,who引导的从句作those 的定语,but 后的从句较复杂,从句套从句,for retention…dead是argument的定语。因为它比较长,所以把谓语动词can be found放在它和argument之间,形成分割结构。

  该句较长,可以分为三层:第一层是those…retention,第二层是but…mumbo-jumbo,第三层是that accompanies…dead。基本上可采用顺序法翻译。


  13. The second aspect is the application by all members of society, from the government official to the ordinary citizen, of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use in the work.

  分析:这是一个很典型的分割结构。主干结构是:The second aspect is the application…of the special methods of thought and action,application和修饰它的介词短语被一个长长的by短语分割。




  1. For example, they do not compensate for social inequality, and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances.

  分析:本句中had he grown up under more favorable circumstances 属于部分倒装。正常语序为:if he had grown up under more favorable circumstances。在正式文体中,可以将虚拟条件句中的if 省略,并将助动词提前。


  2. Nonstop waves of immigrants played a role, too and so did bigger crops of babies as yesterday’s “baby boom” generation reached its child-bearing years.

  分析:该句中so did bigger crops of babies 属于语法倒装。用so 来代替前述肯定句谓语部分所说情况。


  3. Much as I have traveled, I have never seen anyone to equal her in thoroughness, whatever the job.

  分析:该句的Much as I have traveled是一个由as 引导的让步状语从句。相当于though I have traveled much,但语气要比后者强。这种结构要求部分倒装。


  4. Only when you have acquired a good knowledge of grammar can you write correctly.



  5. Nowhere do 1980 census statistics dramatize more the American search for spacious living than in the Far West.



  6. Hardly had he began to speak when the audience interrupted him.

  分析:hardly…when 的结构表示“刚…就…”。含有这种结构的句子常将 hardly 置于句首,而采用部分倒装的语序。此外,hardly 分句中一般采用过去完成时,而 when(或 before)分句中使用过去时。还有,与 hardly…when…结构类似的用法还有 barely (scarcely)…when…


  7. To such length did she go in rehearsal that two actors walked out.

  分析:such…that 结构可将such或含有such 的词组放在句首,使全句采用部分倒装。与此用法类似的还有so…that结构。


  8. Certain it is that all essential processes of plant growth and development occur in water.

  分析:本句为表语前置,表示强调。正常语序应为:It is certain that…。


  9. We really should not resent being called paupers. Paupers we are, and paupers we shall remain.



  10. Then, down the crowed thoroughfare comes the University of Cambridge’s most distinctive vehicle, bearing its most distinguished citizen.

  分析:正常语序应为:The vehicle came down the thoroughfare。为使语言生动形象,文学作品中常用这类倒装。在翻译时要尽量翻译出原句的语言效果。这里bear=carry。






  Many forms of apparatus have been devised by which a more ac- curate knowledge of blood pressure can be obtained.人们已经设计出许多医疗器械,通过这些医疗器械,可以对血压有一个更为精确的了解。

  Hardly a man came to the exhibition but was deeply impressed by the originality of his works.来参观的人几乎无一不对他的作品的创造性留下深刻印象。


  Singapore is at the start of a long road,already well trodden in the west,that leads to such solutions as shelter and rest homes.新加坡眼下正踏上一条西方国家早已走了很远的漫长道路,即最终建立收容所和休养院来解决问题。

  Does this mean that in time fish might learn to leave alone all food on hooks that they have seen before?这难道不就意味着,鱼儿很快就可能学会避开那些它们常见的鱼钩上的食物吗?


  Never say anything behind a person's back that you wouldn't say to his face.当面不愿说的话,千万不要在背后说。

  I remember viewing a half dozen men in a chair factory whose job was to bend several pieces of steel and attach them so that a folding chair would result.我记得曾在一家椅子厂见过六个工人,他们的工作是将几根钢管弯曲并组成一把折椅。


  The cook turned pale,and asked the housem aid to shut the door,who asked Brittles,who asked the tinker,who pretended not to hear.厨子的脸色变得苍白,要女仆把门关上,女仆叫布立特尔关,布立特尔又叫补锅匠关,而补锅匠装着没听见。


  One was a violent thunderstorm ,the worst I had ever seen,which obscured my objective.有一次是暴风骤雨,猛烈的程度实为我平生所仅见。这阵暴风雨遮住了我的目标。



  Mr.Leon said in the future,computer would be developed which would be small enough to carry in the pocket.利昂先生说,将来会生产出小得可以放在口袋里的计算机。


  Chinese trade delegations have been sent to African countries,who will negotiate trade agreem ents with the respective govern-


  The day is not far off when a lot of housework can be done by machine.大量家务活由机器来干的日子不远了。


  There was som ething original,independent and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them .这个方案有创造性,而且别出心裁,又有魅力,所以深得他们的喜欢。



  Yet there exist com plex computations in science and engineer-ing which people are unable to make.到目前为止,在科学和工程方面还存在许多人们无能为力的复杂计算。

  He merely swallows this theory because there is something about it that appeals to the twentieth-century m entality.他全盘接受这一理论,只是因为这一理论中有一种迎合二十世纪心理的东西。

  I think it is clear that each side entertainssuspicions of the other which are unjust.我认为双方显然相互怀着没有正当理由的猜疑。


  There is som ebody waiting for you who I think might be one of your friends from your native town.有个人在外面等你,我想这个人可能就是你家乡的一位朋友。

  The molecules exert forces upon each other,which depend upon the distance between them .分子相互之间存在着力的作用,该力的大小取决于它们的距离。

  The result of this is the retention of too much air in the respiratory tract at each expiration which prevents the fresh air from being taken in at the next inhalation from reaching the lung alveoli.



  He is a wise man who speaks little.智者言少。


  1.名词:It is the two superpowers that should be responsible for the hostilities in the Middle East.应对中东战争(×敌对状态)负责的是两个超级大国。

  有一些名词,特别是抽象名词的单数变成复数后,意义是不一样的。“hostility单数作“enmity,“ill will“敌意”“敌视”解,但“hostilities复数作“war战争”解。

  2.动词:They were obviously quite impressed by the arguments that the Chinese were advancing.他们对中国人提出的(×正在前进)这种论点显然颇为赞同。

  to advance作不及物动词用是“come or go forward“前进”,在这里作及物动词用是“put forward“提出”,宾语是arguments,应译为“提出论点”,that the Chinese were advancing是arguments的定语从句,而不是它的同位语从句。

  3.副词:The basketball team was organized two years ago and it has yet to win a single game.这个篮球队两年前成立,还没赢过(×还得赢)一次比赛。



  4.连词:And I do not know whether the sun will rot or dry what is left,so I had better eat it all although I am not hungry.




  5.虚词not和其他词连用:(1)All that glitters is not gold.闪光的并非都是(×都不是)金子。


  (2)Let me know if this work is not excellent.告诉我这工作是否做得很(×不)出色。



  (1)Stevens watched him turn down the glaring lamp,still its jangling pendants.



  still这里不作副词“仍然”“还”讲,而作动词“使静止不动”讲。turn down是扭小,不是放下。




  英语常用并列连词,如and, but, so, yet, for, nor, or, not only…but also, either…or或 neither…nor等连接两个或几个同等成分,这种结构称为并列结构。连接的同等成分可以是两个或几个动词的宾语、两个或几个名词的定语、两个或几个介词短语等。如果并列连词连接的是两个或几个简单句,则构成一个并列句,使用并列结构可以使文字简洁,结构紧凑,并避免重复。

  1. But the individualist approach, by attacking gender roles, denying the significance of physiological difference, and condemning existing familial institutions as hopelessly patriarchal, has often simply treated as irrelevant the family roles important to many women.

  分析:句中由by引导的三个并列平行结构表示原因。treated as…结构使用了倒装结构,因为the family roles后面有修饰成分,故将其置后。


  2. There is no complete inventory of positions or people in federal service at this level. The lack may be explained by separate agency statutes and personnel systems, diffusion among so many special services, and the absence of any central point (short of President himself) with jurisdiction over all upper-level personnel of the government.

  分析:介词by 后面的separate…personnel systems, diffusion…special services和the absence of…the government为三个并列成分。表示缺少详细记载的原因。句中一些词要转译。


  3. He refuses to consider sufficiently the wants of the customer, who must buy, not the thing he desires but the thing the English gentleman wants to sell.

  分析:动词consider 后面的宾语是the wants of the customer。 非限定性定语从句who must buy… 修饰the customer,not the thing …but the thing…是并列成分。

  4. The standardized educational or psychological tests that are widely used to aid in selecting, classifying, assigning, or promoting students, employees, and military personnel have been the target of recent attacks in books, magazines, the daily press, and even in Congress.

  分析:该句中,to aid in 后面跟了四个并列的动名词,而四个并列的动名词后又跟了三个并列的宾语。


  5. The lack of insistence on personal honor, the surface informality, the disparaging responses to compliments, and willingness to admit mistakes are part of the egalitarian tradition, as are the Americans’ pride in what they have been able to achieve and their criticism of things that fall short of perfection.

  分析:该句的主句由四个并列的名词短语做主语,即The lack of insistence…,the surface informality, the disparaging responses…和willingness to admit mistakes。另外,值得一提的是, as 引导的比较状语从句使用了倒装语序。这是为了保持句子平衡。


  6. Green, hilly, with abundant trees, it was a beautiful country, the Virginia-Kentucky border territory——or would have been, except for the mines.

  分析:和it was a beautiful country 并列的分句(it) would have been是虚拟语气,后面省略了a beautiful country。Green, hilly, with abundant trees修饰a beautiful country,放在主句前是为了强调。

  7. That is why women remain children their whole life long: never seeing anything but what is quite close to them, clinging to the present moment, taking appearance for reality, and preferring trifles to matters of the first importance.



  8. But since the consequences of poverty are related to powerlessness, not to the absolute supply of money available to the poor, and since the amount of power purchasable with a given supply of money decreases as a society acquires a larger supply of goods and services, the solution of raising the incomes of the poor is likely, unless accompanied by other measures, to be ineffective in a wealthy society.

  分析:该句有两个并列的由and 连接的原因状语从句,都是由since引导,available to the poor修饰money, purchasable with a given supply of money修饰the amount of power。主句中的从句unless accompanied by other measures分割了is likely和to be ineffective in a wealthy society。


  9. It is the same old story of not being grateful for what we have until we lose it, of not being conscious of health until we are ill.

  分析:old story是句子的表语,后面有两个介词短语做定语。它们在结构上是相同的,在连词until后面都有状语从句。翻译时也要译成两个平行的句子。



  1) 可有可无的,或是多余的。

  2) 省略的词义已经体现在上下文中。


  1.Fighting means killing, and civilized peoples ought to be able to find some way of setting their disputes other than by seeing which side can kill off the greater number of the other side, and then saying that that side which has killed most has won. And not only has won, but, because it has won, has been in the right.

  分析:介词短语by seeing which side…前省略了setting their disputes。seeing which side can kill off the greater number of the other side与saying that that side which has killed most has won是介词by后的两个并列成分。


  2. Anything from cosmic rays to radiation to diet may activate a dormant oncogene, but how remains unknown.



  3. Someone traveling alone, if hungry, injured, or ill, often had nowhere to turn expect to the nearest cabin or settlement.


  4. You see, dear, I know that the stick-in- the- mud people are doing us a good turn and themselves a bad one by going back to secret trials and executions so soon, and I know that if you who are left stand together steadily and hit hard, you will see great things.

  分析:这是并列复合句。主干结构是I know that…and I know that…。两个that 引起两个宾语从句。第一个宾语从句中省略了are doing themselves a bad turn。第二个宾语从句中有一个条件状语从句。


  5. To get a description of direction along the line, we shall call the line on one side of the origin positive, on the other side negative.

  分析:“to get…”不定式短语表示目的。on the other side 前面省略了and we shall call the line,后面省略了of the origin。翻译时应把省略的部分补出来。


  6. When the media add interpretation and analysis, as they must to do their job fully, strong dislike of the messengers may become intense.

  分析:as 引导的从句说明when从句的内容,可以说是从句的从句,翻译时最好放在主句之后,起补充说明作用。句中must 后省略了谓语add interpretation and analysis。



  此外,英语中否定句的重心也是阅读中应当注意的问题。一般说来,从语法上来看,not与谓语动词连用时,是否定谓语动词的;no与名词连用时,是否定名词的。但是,从否定的重心来看,却并非如此。举个简单例子:Don’t give up because it is difficult.这句话就只能理解为:不要因为困难就放弃。



  1. Certainly I don’t teach because teaching is easy for me. Nor do I teach because I think I know answers, or because I have knowledge I feel compelled to share.

  分析:这句话主要涉及的是否定的范围问题。如果把because从句排除在否定范围之外,其意思为:“……因为我觉得教书容易,所以没有教书……”(= …because teaching is very easy for me, I don’t teach…);如果把because从句包括在否定范围之内,则为:“……我之所以教书,并不是因为我觉得教书容易……”(=…I teach, but it isn’t because teaching is easy for me…)。





  2. When the lights came on again, hardly a person in the city can have turned on a switch without reflecting how great a servant he had at his fingertips.

  分析:在这句话中,“hardly…without”构成了“双重否定”(double negation)。虽然只有without在词形上具有明显的否定特征,但是hardly(以及scarcely, barely, few, little等)虽然没有明显的否定特征,却有否定的词义。



  3. All that glitters is not gold.

  分析:这是一个典型的“部分否定”(partial negation)的例子。高中时狒狒一直不明白。“all…not”从表面上看来,往往会被当作“全部否定”(total negation),因而经常被译成“所有……都不……”。


  4. It’s a beautiful cottage not more than five minutes from the nearest beach.

  分析:注意“not more than + 数词(或名词)”与“no more than + 数词(或名词)”这两个结构在意思和口气上的差别。前者没有什么特殊含义,只是客观地表示“不超过”、“至多”等意思;而后者则带有讲话者的主观看法或口气,强调数量之少或者事物之小以及微不足道。一般可以译做“仅仅”、“只不过”等。


  5. There was the growing realization that for all their vastness, the resources to be found in the oceans and seas were not inexhaustible. One could not hunt whales at will without risking their extermination or catch herring limitlessly without threatening survival of the stock.

  分析:that引导的从句that for all their vastness, the resources to be found in the oceans and seas were not inexhaustible是realization的同位语从句。介词for相当于in spite of。句子中的not inexhaustible为双重否定结构。

  第二句中也用了not without双重否定结构。有否定词without的双重否定结构,翻译时一般可以译成肯定句。但是,在需要加强语气的时候,也可以译成双重否定句。


  6. One cannot be too careful in making the decision as it is such a critical case.

  分析:在这句话中,cannot be too careful不能理解为“不能太谨慎”,因为联系句子后半部分的状语从句中来看,逻辑上是讲不通的。

  实际上,“cannot be too…”这个结构虽然形式上为否定,但是意思上并非否定,而是起到一种加强肯定语气的作用。通常可以译做:“无论怎样……也不会过分”、“越……越好”等,这种结构的变形有“can never(或scarcely, hardly等)…too + adj.(或adv.)”等。

  7. One private school served notice when it opened that “ no person shall be considered as eligible who shall not be moving in the circle of Gentlemen, no retail trader being allowed in any circumstances to be so considered.”

  分析:该句的主干结构是“One private school served notice…”。名词notice与其同位语从句“that “ no person shall be considered as eligible who shall not be moving in the circle of Gentlemen, no retail trader being allowed in any circumstances to be so considered”被 when引导的状语从句分割。该句中no所表达的否定往往转移到谓语动词上。


  8. But we can hardly guess what the world will look like to men and women with several generations of communism behind them, who take the brotherhood of man for granted, not as an ideal to be aimed at, but a fact of life, and yet know that this brotherhood was only achieved by ghastly struggles.

  分析:这是一个主从复合句。what the world will look like to men and women with several generations of communism behind them是guess的定语从句,what引导这个从句。该句中的we显然指后面的men and women,所以翻译时要灵活。





  1) 如果要表达人与人、事物与事物之间是相似的,就可以用as 或是 like。此外,so do I, neither / nor do I 等也表示相似。

  2) 当要表达的事物之间在某一方面一样时,可用 as…as…(后接形容词或副词)和 as much / many…as…(后接名词或动词)结构。

  3) 表达事物之间差别的结构可采用 more (…than) 或 less (…than),后可接形容词、副词、动词或名词。但要注意的是 more…than 还可译作“与其说……,不如说……”,在这种结构里,more + 形容词(或副词)并不构成比较结构。

  另外还要注意的是,在 more…than 以后的英语虽然是肯定的,但译成中文必须是否定的。


  1. “What we take out of the sea is no longer as important as what we do not put into it,” said a noted underwater explorer, describing how pollution of sea-life cycles ultimately threatened even terrestrial respiration.

  分析:What we take out of the sea是主语从句,它与what we do not put into从句相比较。这里把从海洋中获取资源和向海洋倾倒生活和工业垃圾造成严重的污染后果进行比较。否定词在as 从句的比较结构中常见,但是在“ not…as (well等) as”结构中只否定前面的部分,后面的部分表示肯定。

  本句中为了强调what we do not put into it,翻译时前置,并使用了肯定语气。


  2. Tapping the new spirit, there can be no nobler nor more ambitious task for America to undertake on this day of a new beginning than to help shape a just and peaceful world that is truly humane.

  分析:no nobler nor more ambitious 中的 nor 是连词,常与 neither 或 nor 连用,有时也与 no, never 等表示否定的词连用。主句是含有 no more…than 的普通比较句型。分词短语tapping the new spirit 是表示目的的状语。本句选自美国前总统卡特在1977年的就职演说。


  3. A whale is no more a fish than a horse is.

  分析:本句虽然短,但要理解和正确翻译并不容易。首先,no more 可以换成 not any more;其次,than 后面的部分,表面上看上去是肯定的,但是实际上是否定的。这个 no more…than 的真正意思是 not…just as…not(不……正如……不……一样),than 的前后两部分都是否定的。

  注意它和 not more…than 的区别:not more…than 的意思是“不比……更”。


  4. A whale is no less a mammal than a horse is.

  分析:no less…than正好与 no more…than 意思相反,than 前后两部分都是肯定的,它的意思是 quite as…as (是……也是……)。再者,注意它和 no less…than 的区别:no less…than 的意思是“在……方面不亚于”。


  5. Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves.

  分析:arisen 后面的基本结构是 less through…and more from…,意思是“与其说……

  倒不如说……”。as an intellectual discipline 中的as 的意思是“作为”,整个短语修饰history,即把历史作为一门学问。但前面的challenge to 则对此说法提出挑战。



  6. But we are much less conscious of the extent to which work provides the more intangible, but more crucial, psychological well being that can make the difference between a full and an empty life.

  分析:这是一个主从复合句。to which work provides the more intangible, but more crucial, psychological well-being 是 extent 的定语从句。that can make the difference between a full and an empty life 是 psychological well-being 的定语从句。

  intangible,crucial 和 psychological 这三个形容词很容易被误认为是平行结构,事实上,intangible,crucial是修饰 psychological well-being 的。翻译本句不能用直译,例如extent 就不能直接译出来。故采用意译为主。


  7. The aims of our present-day culture are avowedly ease and material well being: shorter hours; a shorter week; more return for less accomplishment; more soft-soap excuses and fewer honest, realistic demands.

  分析:本句虽然很长,却是简单句。句子的主干是 the aims are avowedly ease and material well being,除此之外,后面的全部与aims 是同位语关系,进一步说明aims。

  比较结构用的是形容词的比较级 shorter hours, more return…。翻译时采用顺序法。形容词的比较级则译为汉语的偏正结构。


  8. Marriage has never been more popular and desirable than it is now——so appealing in fact, that even those who are in the process of divorce can scarcely wait for the law to allow them to marry again.

  分析:本句是主从复合句,than 后面跟的是一个句子:it is (popular) now,appealing 的逻辑主语是marriage,其主干结构是 so…that…; that 引导的状语从句表示结果。在该状语从句中还有who 引导的定语从句,修饰those,wait for 与否定词连用,表示“急于做某事”。翻译时采用顺序法。但是who 从句需要译成定语。


  9. Much as she loved her cat, we may imagine that she was more horror than grief-stricken at her discovery.

  分析:本句中的as 放在主语前面,并与副词连用,引导让步状语从句,意思是“尽管”。在该句中还有 that 引导的宾语从句,作 imagine 的宾语。比较级结构中,总是拿两个同类的事物或概念做比较。


  10. True, not everyone sees me as you saw me or even as I see myself; but deep down inside I have that marvelous feeling that comes from being an integrate whole person, not afraid of being just what I am.

  分析:这是一个省略句,补全应该是这样的:It is true that …。两个as都是连词,意思是“像”、“如同”。deep down inside是but从句中的状语,意思是“内心深处”。that comes是feeling的定语从句。翻译该句,要从that处断开,把that从句译成一个表示原因的状语从句。省略的部分不需要增补。







  A man spending twelve days on the moon would find, on returning to the earth, that a year had passed by already.



  It goes without saying that oxygen is the most active element in the atmosphere.



  He managed to raise a crop of 200 miracle tomatoes that weighed up to two pounds each.



  Sunrays filtered in wherever they could, driving out darkness and choking the shadows.



  Mary normally a timid girl, argued heated with them about it.




  The lack of any special excretory system is explained in a similar way.


  As he ran out ,he forgot to have his shoes on.他跑出去时,忘记了穿鞋子。


  The earth on which we live is shaped a ball.


  The doctor did his best to cure the sick and the wounded.



  It is no use employing radar to detect objects in water.


  The sun affects tremendously both the mind and body of a man.



  When he catches a glimpse of a potential antagonist, his instinct is to win him over with charm and humor .只要一发现有可能反对他的人,他就本能地要用他的魅力和风趣将这些人争取过来。(名词转译)





  They are as like as two peas .他们相似极了。(形容词)

  He likes mathematics more than physics .他喜欢数学甚于喜欢物理。(动词)

  Wheat, oat, and the like are cereals.小麦、燕麦等等皆系谷类。(名词)


  He is the last man to come.他是最后来的。

  He is the last person for such a job.他最不配干这个工作。

  He should be the last man to blame.怎么也不该怪他。

  This is the last place where I expected to meet you.我怎么也没料到会在这个地方见到你。




  The energy of the sun comes to the earth mainly as light and heat.太阳能主要以光和热的形式传到地球。


  The last stage went higher and took the Apollo into orbit round the earth.最后一级火箭升得更高,把"阿波罗号"送进围绕地球运行的轨道。












  1. 用白话汉语说一遍



  2. 把上面这段白话文翻成英语。

  The rain stopped. There wassome light to come into the room through the curtain. I opened the window andlooked out. Ah, the clouds had disappeared. The raindrops on the leaves, underthe moonlight, glistened like thousands of fireflies. I cannot think I couldsee such a beautiful picture after the miserable rain in a lonely night.


  3. 好的,下面我们来“精修”。在这一布中主要实现的是表情功能,具体来说有两方面,一是优化语言,二是加强连贯。


  第一句。“雨声渐渐的住了”请注意,这里是“声”,并不简单的是雨停了。所以用个拟声词即可达到效果。The rain gradually stopped to patter。千万不要翻成什么Thesound of the rain stopped。要牢记中心意思是雨停了。



  As the rain gradually ceased topatter, a glimmer of light began to filter into the room through the curtain.

  第二句。原文有点长,可按意思拆成两句。没啥好说的。很简单。I opened the window and looked out.

  往下。“凉云”其实就是乌云的别称,不翻出来也没关系。The clouds had disappeared/vanished.(注意时态)。

  接下来我们在刚才译文的基础上稍加修饰即可。The remaining(残)raindrops on the leaves glistened beautifully(各种赞美的形容词都可)under the moonlight like thousands (都是虚指,可以换成countless,再文一点可以换成myriads) of fireflies. 这里灵活一点,就不用非得纠结是萤火虫还是萤火虫的光了……

  最后一句。注意这里的感叹语气。一般来说,像“谁能想到”“哪里想到”“真没想到”这种表达,英文里有对应的,叫To think that……

  这句话可以搞成To think that I could see such a beautiful sight afterthe miserable rain in a lonely night!(孤灯其实就是孤独的夜晚,直接翻孤灯反而会显得奇怪。)


  To think that there shouldappear before my eyes such a beautiful sight after the miserable rain in alonely night!


  As the rain gradually ceased topatter, a glimmer of light began to filter into the room through the curtain. Iopened the window and looked out. Ah,the clouds hadvanished and the remaining raindrops on the leaves glistened beautifully underthe moonlight like myriads of fireflies. To think that there should appearbefore my eyes such a beautiful sight after the miserable rain in a lonelynight!









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