


  ►Ticked-off Canadians,irked by U.S. metals tariffs and President Trump’s harsh words for their prime minister,are boycotting American products and buying Canadian.


  “Usually we don’t pay that much attention to it,”said Garland Coulson, an entrepreneur from Spruce Grove,Alberta.“You tend to buy the products that taste good or you buy the products that are low in price where taste isn’t an issue.”

  来自艾伯塔省斯普鲁斯格罗夫市的企业家Garland Coulson说,通常大家不会那么关注产品来自哪里,而倾向于购买味道很好的产品,或者购买味道差不多但价格低廉的产品。

  But the 58-year-old,who called the tariffs from Canada’s close trading partner a“slap in the face”,said he has in recent weeks put more Canadian products into his shopping cart.


  Calgary resident Tracy Martell,meanwhile,replaced her Betty Crocker brownie mix with a homemade recipe and hasn’t visited the U.S. since shortly after President Trump’s inauguration.

  与此同时,卡尔加里市居民Tracy Martell用自制食谱取代了她的布朗尼混合食谱,并且在特朗普就职后不久就再也没有去过美国。

  Beth Mouratidis,who lives in Barrie,Ontario,is trying out Strub’s pickles as a replacement for her longtime favorite,Bick’s.

  而住在安大略省巴里市的Beth Mouratidis正在尝试用Strub牌腌菜代替她长期以来最喜欢的由美国公司出售的Bick’s牌腌菜。

  The push to buy more Canadian products—and to boycott American ones—gained strength after the U.S. levied 25% tariffs on Canadian steel and 10% on aluminum starting June 1 and President Trump called Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “Very dishonest & weak”on Twitter following a Group of Seven meeting the following week.


  Canada in turn imposed retaliatory tariffs on some U.S. products,including foodstuffs such as ketchup,orange juice and yogurt.


  But Canadians’efforts to buy more local products often run into a conundrum.What’s really Canadian?


  The country is the U.S.'s top export market,taking a little more than 18% of all U.S. goods that are sold abroad.


  Sylvain Charlebois, a professor in food distribution and policy at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia,estimates roughly 40% to 60% of food on Canada’s grocery shelves is from the U.S.

  而据新斯科细亚省戴尔豪斯大学的食品分销与政策教授Sylvain Charlebois估计,加拿大便利店内约40%至60%的食品都来自美国。

  Closely linked production chains make it tough to determine how much of any given item was produced domestically.


  That has left would-be boycotters scratching their heads as they untangle how much of a given product was made or grown outside the country.


  Another product could be getting a boost from the “Buy Canadian” push:Hawkins Cheezies,a corn snack that looks like a denser and crunchier version of Cheetos that is made with Canadian cheddar. W.T. Hawkins Ltd.,which makes the snack,said two large grocery-store chains recently increased their orders.

  而这股购买加拿大国货的风潮还可能给另一个产品带来销路,这就是Hawkins Cheezies牌的玉米芝士薯条,这款产品看起来像是用加拿大切达干酪制作的味道更浓、更松脆版的奇达版芝士薯条。Hawkins Cheezies玉米芝士薯条的生厂商W.T. Hawkins公司表示,有两家大型连锁超市最近增加了这种产品的订单。

  Others have found themselves in the crosshairs of Buy Canadian supporters. Kraft HeinzCo. has been a frequent target for Canadians since Heinz stopped producing ketchup in Ontario in 2014.


  A list circulating online recently that ranked consumers’best options for Canadian products puts French's ketchup ahead of Heinz because it is manufactured in Canada.


  One sector where the boycott efforts doesn’t seem to be working is travel.


  Although some people are deliberately staying away from the U.S.,overall cross-border car trips by Canadians were up 12.7% in June from the same month last year,according to Statistics Canada.






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