




       As is vividly depicted in the picture, thousands of graduates are in face of choices in their life. There are generally four choices for them now, which are searching for a job, getting admitted to be a postgraduate, studying abroad and creating their own enterprises. It seems that they are quite confused and don’t know which might be the best way.

  The implication underlying this picture is rather thought-provoking.Nowadays, many students in universities or colleges are not sure of what they want and where they will go in the future. They easily become anxious and helpless when choices confront them.

  What should we do? In my opinion, the most important thing is having a goal. It is crucial for us college students to understand what we actually want and what kind of men we want to be. And then follow your heart. If you have the ambition to be an expert in some fields, you will naturally choose to study abroad or take the entrance test for postgraduates. And if you are willing to improve your working skills or just feed yourselves early and support your families, you will be the hunters chasing after jobs or the creators of a new company.








  1. be able to do sth → be capable of doing sth  能够做某事,有能力做某事

  【例句】He is perfectly able to fulfill the important task. 他完全能完成这个重要的任务。

  2. about adv.  →  approximately, roughly大约地

  【例句】 The New York-based media company said the cuts would affect roughly 300 of its U.S.-based employees. 这个总部位于纽约的公司称裁员将影响其在美国员工中的大约300名。

  3. agree v.  →  consent 同意

  【用法】agree/consent to sth,agree/consent to do sth同意、准许(做)某事

  After all, they'd never consented to genetic testing. 毕竟,他们从不同意基因测试。

  4. allow sb to do sth  →  enable/permit sb to do sth 使某人能够做某事

  【例句】 The widespread Internet access enables ordinary people in China to shop online. 广泛的互联网接入使中国的普通大众能够在网上购物。

  6. always adv.: → constantly总是,一直

  【例句】Regulators constantly endeavors to curb the increasingly large bubbles in real estate and stock markets. 监管机构一直在努力遏制房地产和股市中日益增大的泡沫。

  7. be bad for: → be harmful for, be damaging/detrimental /injurious to 对…有害,不利于

  【例句】Obscenity is certainly detrimental to the society either it be in the West or in the East.不管在西方还是东方,淫秽肯定对社会有害。

  8. because  →  due/owing to the fact (that) 因为,由于

  because of →  due/owing to, on account of 因为,由于

  【例句】The school's poor exam record is largely due to the fact that it is chronically underfunded. 这个学校糟糕的考试成绩主要是因为其受到长期的投入不足。

  9. sb believe  →   It is sb's belief that ... 某人相信

  【例句】 It is his belief that the media can play an important role in helping this investigation reach a positive conclusion. 他相信媒体能在帮助此项调查得到一个正面的结论中担当一个重要角色。

  10. best  →  unparalleled, incomparable, unsurpassed, unrivalled


  11. be busy with sth  →  be (fully) occupied with sth 忙于某事

  be busy doing sth  →  be (fully) occupied (in) doing sth忙于做某事

  【例句】He's fully occupied looking after three small children. 他所有的时间都用来照顾三个小孩子了。

  12. buy v.  → purchase 购买

  【用法】Where did you purchase the book? 你在哪里买到这本书的?

  13. choose sth  →  opt for sth 选择某物

  choose to do sth  →  opt to do sth 选择做某事

  【例句】After graduating he opted to take a job as a database programmer. 毕业后他选择接受一份数据库程序员的工作。

  14. choice n. →  option 选择

  【用法】option for sth,option to do sth,option of doing sth

  【例句】Teenage mothers often have no option but to live with their parents. 少女妈妈常常别无选择,只能跟父母住在一起。

  15. consider sth  →  take sth into consideration/account 考虑到某事


  ①Environmental factors should be taken into consideration in the program.


  ②I don't think the opinion of the locals is being taken into consideration.(bbc.co.uk)


  16. danger n. →  hazard


  a danger/hazard to sb/sth 对某人或物的危险;注意,in danger表示“处于危险之中”,但一般不用in hazard。

  【例句】The road ahead will be long and full of hazards.(cnn.com)


  17. dangerous adj.  →  hazardous 危险的,有害的


  be dangerous/hazardous for/to sb/sth 对某人或物是危险的、有害的


  ①It is now believed that the vaccine might occasionally be hazardous.(bbc.co.uk)


  ②Exposure to foreign universities can be hazardous to careers of Vietnam's young elites. (bbc.co.uk)


  ③From 1966 every packet of Winstons had carried the warning that "smoking may be hazardous to your health".(bbc.co.uk)


  18. depend on  →  be dependent on/upon依赖(于),对…依赖




  ①Markets are too dependent on unsustainable government stimulus.(economist.com)


  ②Contrary to popular wisdom, China's rapid growth is not hugely dependent on exports.(economist.com)


  19. easy  →  effortless毫不费力的


  It's an effortless way to kick the smoking habit.


  20. easily →  with ease 轻易地;effortlessly 毫不费力地


  ①A horse can maintain this position effortlessly, thanks to an ability to lock its leg joints into place. (bbc.co.uk)


  ②China have recoverd from the global financial recession and can maintain its economic growth with ease.


  21. It is easy (for sb/sth) to do sth.  →  It takes little/no effort (for sb/sth) to do sth. (对于某人/物来说),做某事不怎么费力。


  It takes little effort for China to maintain its economic growth.


  22. make an effort to do sth 努力做某事 → pour a lot of effort into sth 对某事投入大量精力, make an endeavor to do sth(endeavor作名词)努力做某事, endeavor to do sth(endeavor作动词)努力做某事, try hard to do sth 努力做某事,try desperately to do sth 奋力做某事


  We college students should make an endeavor to promote the environmental awareness.


  23. enough (adj)  →abundant, adequate, sufficient 充足的


  ①The old methods weren't adequate to meet current needs. (Collins)


  ②We need sufficient time to deal with the problem. (Longman)


  24. enough (adv) →  abundantly, adequately, sufficiently 充足地


  Students must reach a sufficiently high standard to pass. (Longman)


  25. expect v. →  anticipate 预见;期待


  ①We don't anticipate any problems. (Longman)


  ②Daniel was eagerly anticipating her arrival. (Longman)


  26. in the future  →  in the years ahead, in the years to come在将来,在未来的岁月里


  ①The trend towards urbanisation may accelerate in the years ahead due to deep structural and economic reasons.(economist.com)


  ②It is wise to focus more effectively on promoting entrepreneurship and innovation in the years ahead.(economist.com)


  27. get (v.)  →  obtain 获得,得到


  ①He obtained a degree in physical education from Montreal's McGill University. (bbc.co.uk)


  ②The company has been able to obtain all the necessary copyright permissions. (bbc.co.uk)


  28. give  → offer, provide 提供,给予


  give/offer sb sth, provide sb with sth 为某人提供某物


  ①David will be offered the job of shadow chancellor. (bbc.co.uk)


  ②We would have provided him with clothes. (bbc.co.uk)


  29. be good for  →  be beneficial/favorable/helpful for/to, be good for, benefit 对…有利,有利于




  ①Well managed migration is, apparently, very beneficial to the economy.(economist.com) 显然,管理良好的移民对经济非常有利。

  ②Market conditions are favorable to the privatization of state holdings.(economist.com)


  ③Do you think that immigration has benefited or damaged British society over the past 50 years?(bbc.co.uk)


  30. be good at  →  excel at/in 擅长


  He excels at soccer. 他擅长足球

  31. hardly  → scarcely几乎不


  The city had scarcely changed in 20 years. (Longman)


  32. help n. →  aid, assistance 帮助,支持

  help v.  → assist 帮助


  assist (sb) with/in sth, help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事;with sb's aid/help 在某人的帮助下


  These measures were designed to assist people with disabilities.(MacMillan) 这些措施旨在帮助残疾人。

  He succeeded with the aid of a completely new method he discovered.(Collins) 在他所发现的一个全新的方法的帮助下,他成功了。

  33. importance  → significance 重要性

  ①I'm not downplaying the significance of that area to the people of this country. (economist.com) 我没有低估那块区域对于这个国家的重要性。

  ②Christmas is a holiday of great significance to Americans. (economist.com)


  34. important  →  significant 重要的;critical, crucial, vital 至关重要的

  be important for/to  → be critical/crucial/vital to 对于…至关重要

  be important  à  count, matter


  ①For most of the second half of the 20th century, governments played a crucial role in funding and directing pure research and early-stage development. (economist.com)


  ②The top five skills hiring managers say will be most critical to their businesses.(cnn.com)


  ③Your contribution is crucial to the success of our company.(cnn.com)


  ④Their participation is vital to ensuring that assistance addresses the diverse needs within the community.(cnn.com)


  ⑤First impressions really do count.(Longman)


  ⑥People need to realize that education matters.(MacMillan)


  35. money  → capital 资金


  The drought of foreign capital is beginning to wreck many economies in central and eastern Europe. (economist.com)


  36. more and more + noun  →  an increasing number of + noun 越来越多的某物


  ①More and more supercomputers are being built outside America.(econimist.com)


  ②As they attempt to cut costs, an increasing number of firms are outsourcing more of their production.(economist.com)


  ③UK house prices have become unaffordable to an increasing number of the population.(economist.com)


  37. more and more  →  increasingly 越来越…


  ①I think that the world is more and more uncertain.(economist.com)


  ②Success in business increasingly depends on chance encounters.(economist.com)


  ③Scientists are increasingly worried about the amount of debris orbiting the Earth.(economist.com)


  ④Americans are increasingly choosing to live among like-minded neighbours.(economist.com) 越来越多的美国人正选择住在志同道合的邻居中间。

  38. most (of)  →  the majority of 大多数,大部分


  ①Despite receiving billions of dollars of aid, most of its 35m people remain poor.(economist.com) 尽管接受了数十亿的援助,其3500万民众中的大部分仍然贫困。

  ②In most countries, the majority of wealth is concentrated in a fairly small number of hands.(economist.com)


  ③Technology has not simplified the lives of the majority of the people on the planet, including.(economist.com)


  39. method  →  approach 方法,手段

  ①China and India are finding two somewhat different approaches to getting rid of poverty, yet they have similarities.(economist.com)


  ②You should not hesitate to break away from conventional approaches.(cnn.com)


  40. often adv.  →  frequently经常地,频繁地


  Limestone was frequently used as a building material. (Longman)


  41. old  →  aged, elderly 年迈的,年老的

  the aged/old/elderly  →  old people  老年人


  The charity concert is designed to help the aged.


  42. only adj.  →  sole 唯一的

  only adv.  →  solely 仅仅地


  ①Griffiths is the sole survivor of the crash.(Longman)


  ②We simply cannot rely solely on the market to fix our problems.(bbc.co.uk)


  43. in my opinion → in my view, from my perspective/point of view / standpoint / viewpoint 在我看来,我的观点是


  ①In my view, all these protesters are quite arrogant and plainly ignorant.(economist.com)


  ②From my perspective, tax cuts to 95 percent of working families is not wasteful.(cnn.com)


  44. ordinary adj.  →  average 普通的


  ①It is estimated that the average American still pollutes between five and six times more than the average Chinese person.(bbc.co.uk)


  ②Statistics have shown that the average students from religious schools do better academically than their counterparts of state school.(bbc.co.uk)


  45. pain  →  anguish, agony 身体或精神上的痛苦


  ①He battled mental and physical anguish.(bbc.co.uk)


  ②They can no longer tolerate the mental or physical anguish of a terminal illness.(bbc.co.uk)  他们再也不能忍受一种绝症带来的精神或肉体上的痛苦。

  ③He had been in the hospital for several weeks and was in mental agony.(bbc.co.uk)


  46. prepare, get ready  →  gear up 准备


  prepare for sth = get ready for sth 准备某事;

  gear up for sth = prepare to do sth = gear up to do sth 准备做某事

  be prepared to do sth = be ready to do sth = be geared up to sth  准备好做某事


  ①He gears up for a meeting with a presidential candidate.(bbc.co.uk)


  ②Nokia needs to gear up to provide services, not hardware.(economist.com)


  ③The international community are geared up to help Haiti.(bbc.co.uk)


  47. poor adj. → impoverished 非常贫穷的; poverty-stricken 贫穷的; cash-strapped 拮据的,缺少资金的;economically disadvantaged 在经济上处于不利地位的,即相对贫穷的


  ①It is indeed good news that China is every where in Africa opening businesses and creating employment for the impoverished people.(economist.com)


  ②Elsewhere in India, the Muslim minority is economically disadvantaged.(economist.com)


  48. rich, wealthy adj.  → affluent 富裕的


  ①Death rates in Scotland are falling faster in more affluent areas than in poorer places, a study says.(bbc.co.uk)


  ②The cash-strapped Caribbean island now wants to attract a more affluent, bigger-spending class of tourists.(bbc.co.uk)


  49. result from  →  stem from  源于,因…而出现


  ①The country's floods partly stemmed from over-use of forests by industry.(bbc.co.uk)


  ②The violent protests stemmed from disputed elections in 2000, which the opposition says were rigged.(bbc.co.uk)


  50. be sad  →  be grieved 悲伤


  ①I feel deeply grieved.(bcc.co.uk)


  ②At present we are grieved and tomorrow looks uncertain.(bbc.co.uk)


  51. be similar to  →  resemble 相似,像


  ①Right now America's banking system resembles a pyramid.(economist.com)


  ②Today's financial crisis resembles the one that happened three-quarters of a century ago.(economist.com)


  52. spend  →  expend, invest 在某方面花费时间、精力或资金等


  invest除了表示投资外,还可表示“在某方面花费时间、精力或资金等”,请看其在朗文字典中的解释:to use a lot of time, effort etc or spend money in order to make something succeed,其用法为 invest (sth) in sth。

  expend也有相同的意思,用法为expend sth in/on (doing) sth。


  ①The city has invested millions of dollars in the museum.(Longman)


  ②You have to be willing to invest a lot of time in taking care of elderly parents.(Macmillan)


  ③She's invested a lot of emotional energy in that business.(Oxford)


  ④Manufacturers have expended a lot of time and effort trying to improve computer security.(Longman)


  53. stop v.  →  cease 停止

  ①It is unrealistic to expect that forest degradation will cease.(economist.com)


  ②Playing fair would cease to have any value.(economist.com)


  ③Markets and the public cease to believe that prices will remain stable.(economist.com)


  54. thank sb: ->be grateful to sb, feel/express/show gratitude to sb 感激某人,感谢某人,向某人致谢


  ①You should be grateful to him who gives you this opportunity.(economist.com)


  ②The world must express its gratitude to Sri Lanka.(economist.com)


  55. think  →  argue 认为


  He argued that business schools could and should play a terrific role in raising the standard of management.(hbr.org)


  56. though   →  despite the fact that 尽管


  She's taking her children on holiday, despite the fact that school starts tomorrow.(Oxford)


  57. be used to: -> be accustomed to 适应,习惯


  We were accustomed to studying in the library.


  58. very adv.: -> extremely, exceedingly 非常地,极度地


  ①This decision is extremely unwise.(bbc.co.uk)


  ②He is exceedingly lean.(cnn.com)


  59. all over the world  →  on the earth/planet, across / all over / around / round / throughout + the earth / globe / planet / world, globally 全世界范围内,全球


  ①What methods and models do scientists use to track the changes in temperature all over the earth? (cnn.com)


  ②Traditional medicines continue to thrive globally. (cnn.com)


  ③Obama is an inspiration to the youths all over the globe.(cnn.com)


  60. want to do sth: aspire to do sth 渴望做某事


  The consulting firm aspires to hire top talents from a diverse set of backgrounds around the world. (cnn.com)




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