


  Your phone carrier can now block robocalls by default


  Robocalls are flooding cell phones, interrupting dinners, and scamming people out of money. Relief could finally be on the horizon, but perhaps at a cost.


  The Federal Communications Commission voted on Thursday to give wireless carriers like Verizon the green light to block unwanted robocalls automatically for all customers.

  美国联邦通信委员会周四通过投票决定,允许 Verizon 等无线运营商为所有用户自动屏蔽他们不想接听的垃圾电话。

  The move could curb a torrent of phone-based scams and unwelcome interruptions that have afflicted millions of consumers, said the FCC.


  The vote clears the way for carriers to switch on robocall-blocking technologies for phone lines by default. The technology works by using algorithms and network scanning to identify unwanted calls, similar to how email providers scan for spam messages.


  Carriers that switch on such technologies will be required to let customers opt out of the programs if they wish and continue receiving all calls.


  Americans now receive roughly 5 billion robocalls per month, according to industry research. Robocalls are automated phone calls people receive that often show up on caller ID as nearby phone numbers, or sometimes even their own number.


  While some robocalls are legal and come from legitimate institutions like banks, schools or medical providers, a vast share come from scammers and foreign sources.




  interrupt  vt. 中断;打断;插嘴;妨碍 vi. 打断;打扰 n. 中断

  scam  n. 骗局,诡计;故事 vt./vi. 欺诈;诓骗

  horizon  n. 地平线;视野;眼界;范围

  afflict  vt. 折磨;使痛苦;使苦恼

  algorithm  n. 算法,运算法则



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