

  Chinese Esports Group Backed by Tencent Raises $775 Million in US IPO


  A Chinese video-streaming service raised $775 million through a Nasdaq listing, capitalizing on the growing popularity of watching others play games on the internet.


  The initial public offering by DouYu International Holdings Ltd was the biggest this year by a Chinese company in the US, ahead of the $645 million IPO of cafe chain Luckin Coffee Inc.


  DouYu offers both desktop and mobile apps, and counts China’s Huya Inc and Amazon.com Inc’s Twitch among its peers.

  斗鱼直播同时提供电脑端和移动端的服务,它将中国的虎牙和亚马逊公司旗下的 Twitch 等直播平台视为竞争对手。

  DouYu, which is backed by Chinese internet heavyweight Tencent Holdings Ltd, sold 67.39 million American depositary shares at $11.50 apiece, at the bottom of an indicative price range of $11.50 to $14 a share, it said in a statement. Its shares in the US ended their first day of trading Wednesday flat at $11.50.


  The IPO values the company at nearly $4 billion, including restricted shares issued to employees under a share-based compensation program.


  China’s esports industry is the world’s largest by revenue and number of gamers, according to iResearch. Last year, some 683 million people, or roughly half the country’s population, played games on phones, computers or game consoles.


  The market-research firm forecasts that number will reach 878 million—or nearly a third of videogamers globally—in 2023.


  Rival Huya’s shares have more than doubled since it listed on the New York Stock Exchange in May 2018.




  depositary  n. 受托人;受托公司;储藏所 adj. 存款的;用作储藏所的

  indicative  adj. 象征的;指示的;表示…的 n. 陈述语气;陈述语气的动词形式

  compensation  n. 补偿;报酬;赔偿金

  console  n. 控制台;操纵台;支撑架 vt. 安慰;慰藉



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