

  Japan May Have to Dump Radioactive Fukushima Water Into the Pacific Ocean


  A Japanese official has just publicly announced that they might end up dumping radioactive water from the destroyed Fukushima nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean.


  The disturbing pronouncement came from the environment minister of Japan himself, Yoshiaki Harada. According to Harada, Tokyo Electric (Tepco), the firm tasked with the cleanup is running out of room to store the liquid, MailOnline reports.

  这一令人不安的声明来自于日本环境大臣原田义昭。据《每日邮报》 报道,根据原田义昭的说法,负责清理工作的东京电力公司用于存放这种放射性污染水的设施已经没有储存空间了。

  On March 11, 2011, a massive earthquake caused three reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant to meltdown, releasing radiation into the air and forcing the evacuation of more than 160,000 people from the area. Tepco has had to continually use fresh water to cool the reactors over the last eight years.


  Through the process, the company has so far collected over 1 million metric tons of contaminated water stored in 900 tanks on the grounds at Daiichi. Harada says there would be no space left to contain the hazardous water by 2022.


  “The only option will be to drain it into the sea and dilute it,” Harada was quoted as saying during a press briefing. “The whole of the government will discuss this, but I would like to offer my simple opinion.”


  In a separate media briefing, Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga has distanced the government from Harada’s comments, describing it as “his personal opinion.”


  Pushing through with the environment minister’s “simple opinion” could potentially cause tension in the Pacific region.


  Just last month, South Korea summoned a senior Japanese embassy official to explain how Japan is hoping to address the Fukushima water situation. In a statement, South Korea’s foreign ministry shared that it advised Japan “to take a wise and prudent decision on the issue.”


  Greenpeace has been urging Tepco to keep storing the water and continue developing water processing technology that could remove the radioactive elements.




  evacuation  n. 疏散;撤离;排泄

  hazardous  adj. 有危险的;冒险的;碰运气的

  summon  vt. 召唤;召集;鼓起;振作

  prudent  adj. 谨慎的;精明的;节俭的


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